  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭晉昌


目前台灣企業普遍面臨企業轉型及家族接班人的問題,及企業面臨局勢的變遷與成長的瓶頸。處在詭譎多變而又高度競爭的經濟情勢當中,企業如何永續發展取決於董事會的重大決策。 長久以來台灣中小企業組織多以個人的單一智能或知識技能來決定個人的進用、升遷或訓練發展;然而個體所處的是在組織環境之中,所以其表現將必須與組織特性、團隊運作和工作職責有所相關或配套。對於組織而言,單以個人表現的觀點來決定進用、升遷或訓練發展將無法為組織帶來人力資源的綜效,而是必須要思考個體與組織特性的配套(p-o fit)、個體與工作特性的配套(p-j fit)。因此希望藉由發展以職能為基礎(competency -based) 的管理,而能協助組織人力資源運用和策略制定。 A公司成立三十多年來持續穩健成長,員工亦追隨董事長多年;為求企業永續經營,對各階主管接班人規劃漸趨急迫,高階經營者對未來團隊經營模式及人才培養,面臨強大的需求,經初步檢視企業內部人才及接班規劃,於主管之領導能力發現缺口,由於過去人員流動穩定,工作輪調機會較少,中階及基層主管對於水平部門的瞭解與溝通,並未獲得完全的資訊;此外廠區位於苗栗偏遠鄉鎮,管理人才的缺乏亦成為企業急需解決的問題。 由上所述,企業對於內部各階管理人員的領導能力培訓有迫切的需求,主管與組織、人員的配合,為企業永續規劃的關鍵。本研究透過職能模式的建立來探討一個成功管理者所應具備的(領導)管理職能為何;並透過對(領導)管理職能的分析與研究以建立(領導)管理職能模式和評鑑量表,進而提供各階管理階層評核、晉升和發展的依據。藉此協助各階管理者瞭解所處職位所需之能力、特質與技術,並強化自身優勢,加強不足之處,對主管職場生涯發展方向更有依據,以協助企業達成管理綜效,永續經營穩健成長之經營理念。


Throughout the process of globalization, Taiwanese enterprises have had to evolve its organizational structure in order to maintain its competitive edge on a world scale. In particular, small and medium size family enterprises, limited in its resources, must navigate cautiously to ensure its organizational capabilities meet the rapid changing tides of the current global economy. The ability of such enterprises to constantly engage this dynamic is a key challenge that the Board must consider in order to maintain a sustainable and effective organization. For small and medium size family enterprises, the origin and evolution of its organizational structure are often at the sole discretion of a single or small group of company founders. In other words, organizational structuring decisions are often made based on the personal knowledge and experiences of the founders, without considering a holistic point of view on the organization as a whole. For example, personnel training are done on an ad-hoc basis to resolve a particular company need, without much consideration for strategic planning in the long-term sustainability of workforce skills. Thus, this paper examines a more efficient approach to organizational structuring and development by integrating human resource planning more holistically, with consideration to person-organizational fit, person-job fit, and competency-based management. A is a family company, has enjoyed 35 years of stable growth, with loyal employees building decades of long-term careers. For the sake of business continuity, management succession planning has become an urgent priority for the Board. The Board has examined its talent pipeline, discovering different gaps across levels within the organization. First, due to the long-term employment of high-level managers, few upward mobility opportunities exist for middle- to low-level managers. Second, there is a noticeable lack of clarity in communications across the high-level and middle-level managers on business decisions. Lastly, with Miao-li County as the production plant location, the region lacks management talent for company recruitment. With the above context in mind, the purpose of this paper is to inform the Board of A company a more effective management model across organizational levels. First, the company must establish clear leadership and skills requirement for each level of management. Second, the company must establish transparent performance evaluation processes. Lastly, the company must communicate such standards across all levels effectively to identify and fill organizational gaps. With the above points accomplished, A company can then build an organizational management structure that is more sustainable to help navigate through future business challenges.


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