  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporate Sponsorship Cognition、Intention and Considerate Factor for Stadium Naming Rights

指導教授 : 廖俊儒


『場館命名權(Naming Rights)』是由企業贊助運動賽會場館以求產生長期且效果穩定的方式之ㄧ。在國外,企業購買運動場館命名權是一項常見運動贊助的行銷策略,特別在美國地區。但反觀國內只有少數案例,此代表著這一類型的運動行銷價值與方式仍待開發。因此,本研究旨在探討企業對運動場館命名權贊助的認知與意願,進一步了解當企業有意購買場館命名權時,企業考量因素為何。期能在學術研究上獲得拋磚引玉之效,亦能提供企業實務上採用該項贊助策略時之重要參考依據。本研究目的為:一、探討國內知名品牌企業對運動場館命名權之認知及意願。二、探討國內企業經理人之認同運動場館命名權贊助考量因素。本研究採用深度訪談法,針對3家國內知名品牌經理人與2家運動行銷公司經理,於民國一百一年二月至三月進行深度訪談。本研究結果發現 (一)企業與運動行銷公司都有初步的命名權贊助概念認知,運動行銷公司相較於企業更能進一度清楚了解贊助的過程。(二)企業贊助希望能獲得大量的曝光度以利於產品的銷售量提升,推行運動場館命名權贊助時,場館經營團隊必須提出明確的贊助合約內容,以利吸引企業投資。(三)國內運動場館命名權市場不如國外發展成熟,所以企業多數贊助意願偏低。未來為順利發展運動場館命名權贊助應加強企業對運動場館命名權贊助認知,而運動場館經營規劃必須能符合企業贊助考量因素,並且有效規劃政策與場館經營以利提升命名權贊助意願。


Stadium naming rights is a way to generate long-term and stable results by sponsoring of the enterprise sports contests. In abroad, it is a common campaign of marketing strategies that enterprises purchase stadium naming rights, especially in the United States. But in Taiwan, only few cases, these represent this type of the sports marketing value and modalities need to be developed. Therefore, the study aimed to explore the awareness and willingness of the sponsor about the enterprises stadium naming rights. Furthermore, understanding the considerations for the business when the enterprise purchasing name right. With a view to in academic research introductory access in doing so, it can also provide important reference in the sponsorship strategy in the corporate practice. The purpose of this study: (a) the understanding the cognitive and will of domestic famous brand sports about stadium naming rights. (b) To explore the identity the considerations of the manager on the domestic enterprises sports stadium naming rights .In this study, in-depth interviews research will be conducted with three famous domestic brand managers and two sports marketing manager of the company during February to March in 2012. The results of this study found that (a) Business and sports marketing company has an initial concept of naming rights, sports marketing knows more clear understanding of the sponsorship process than the sports marketing company. (b) corporate sponsors hope to get a lot of exposure in order to facilitate product sales to enhance the implementation of the naming rights sponsorship of sports venues, the venue management team must be a clear sponsorship contract terms a bid to attract business investment. (c) Domestic sports stadium naming rights market is not mature as the overseas development is, only few enterprise have willing to sponsor. Future for the smooth development of the sports stadium naming rights sponsorship should be to strengthen the awareness of sports stadium naming rights sponsorship, and the sports stadium business plan must be able to meet corporate sponsorship considerations, and effective planning policies and stadium business in order to enhance the naming rights sponsor willing.


Sports marketing Sponsorship Naming Rights


林金定、嚴嘉楓、陳美花(2005)。質性研究方法: 訪談模式與實施步驟分析。身心障礙研究,3(2),122-136。
