  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


社會皆須靠資源,每個人年老也是。每個人都不是自願要老化,當一個人年紀越漸增長,體力、智力愈來愈差時,個人經濟遭受困難、健康受到威脅、親人逐漸減少、對環境逐漸感到不安及適應不良,可能會增加社會的負擔、增產結構被迫調整、增加醫療保健的需求、休閒場所的大量需求、避免遊民人口的增加。尤其在人口趨勢、居住安排、失能及障礙程度、所得稅收的分配皆是老年人口未來需求的要素。 高齡化社會對於國家整體經濟以及社會發展係屬無形又可預見之現實,在老化的關鍵前刻,世界各國總有一些作為。在個人老化不可逆轉的過程中,老人福利政策如何在相關政經環境、政策網絡中,營造及提升老人生活品質,是國家首要任務。 本文的研究僅在敘明我國相關老人福利政策的歷史發展,簡要說明目前我國老人福利政策是否有符合國際基本需求。


Everyone needs social resources, and the elder are no exception. No one is willing to age, when a man is getting older and his intelligence, physical functions are getting worse, he may face the economy difficulties, health is out of condition, relatives decreased and feels maladaptive to the environment. Once in such situations, it will lead to raise the social burden, adjust social structure, increase the requirement of health care, increase the leisure spaces and avoid the population of vagrant increasing. In the future, takind the population of elders will reflect on allocation of social resources, especially in demographic trends, living arrangements, degree of disability, and income tax allocation. Aging society for sate economy and social development is invisible but also foreseeable. Governments all over the world will take some actions for the aging society becoming. Aging is an irreversible process, how the senior citizens' welfare policies enable the elder's life quality be created and enhanced in the relevant political and economic environment and policy networks is a nationally prior task. This study illustrates the historical development of senior citizens' welfare of our country and a brief description to see if the current senior citizens' welfare policies of our country in compliance with the international basic needs.


Pierson , Paul . 2000. “ Not Just What , but When:Timing and Sequence in Political Processes ” Studies in American political Development . 14:72-92
Thelen , Kathleen . 2000 . “ Timimg and Temporality in the Analysis of Institutional Evolution and Change ” Studies in American Political Development . 14:101-108 .
