  • 學位論文


A study on caregiver parenting styles in economical disadvantage family

指導教授 : 趙善如


家庭是孕育孩子成長、發展及社會化的場所,主要照顧者則是重要的推手,因此應重視教養方式對孩子所發生的影響。本研究旨在探討經濟弱勢兒童家庭主要照顧者的教養方式,從經濟弱勢家庭的環境因素與教養現況探索方式、困境與所需的教養資源。本研究採質性研究深度訪談的方法,以屏東區域經濟弱勢家庭,擇五種家庭結構類型雙親、單親、繼親、三代同堂及隔代教養的15位主要照顧者為受訪對象。 研究結果(1)經濟弱勢家庭主要照顧者受教養心情、經驗影響而各具有民主、專制、放任、寵溺的教養方式;(2)經濟弱勢家庭主要照顧者受限於環境因素中資源匱乏與低學歷低社經因素,多數缺乏教養知能;(3)專制體罰的代間傳遞教養經驗,成為多數現代為人父母者所秉棄的教養方式,而經濟弱勢家庭的照顧者偏向採用放任型的管教方式;(4)經濟弱勢家庭主要照顧者因內外控人格特質差異,而影響教養行為;(5)經濟弱勢照顧者處於各項資源缺乏的困境中,無力提供孩子各項教育需求,因此影響主要照顧者降低對孩子的期待;(6)家庭中缺乏親情關愛的孩子易向外尋求支持與溫暖,導致受不良的同儕影響而步入偏途。 根據本研究發現,提出三大面向的相關建議,第一針對社會福利服務面,建議社會工作者以個別輔導方式,強化照顧者正向的教養方式,社會福利機構規劃符合照顧者教養需求的親職課程,並且提升照顧者對子女的期待,重視孩子的學業與學習動機; 第二從教育面向應豐富弱勢家庭及教育的資源網絡,以增進照顧者教養能力及發展正向的親子關係,另一方面提升孩子的學習成就;第三政策面向則以落實兒少福利政策及政府單位及民間社福組織的功能,使照顧者學習親職知能以利兒少成長與發展。


Family is a place for child’s growth, development and socialization. Main caregiver is an important pusher. Therefore, much attention should be paid to influences of parenting style on children. This study aims to investigate parenting style of main caregivers of economic poor children’s families, and explore the pattern, the difficulty and the necessary educational resources in terms of environmental factors and current parental situations of economic poor families. This study adopts qualitative research method and conducts in-depth interviews among 15 main caregivers from economic poor families of Pingtung area of five different types of family structures including father & mother, single parent, step parent, three generations and grandparenting. Results of this study are as below: (1) under influences of educational mood and experiences, main caregivers of economic poor families adopt democratic, arbitrary, permissive or pampered parenting style. (2) Due to limitation by resource scarcity (economic factor), low education level, and low social-economic factors, main caregivers of economic poor families mostly lack educational knowledge-ability. (3) Intergenerational- transmitted parenting experience of arbitrary corporal punishment becomes a parenting style that has been abandoned by modern parents. However, caregivers of economic poor families tend to adopt permissive parenting style. (4) Internal- and external-controlled personality trait differences influence parenting behavior of main caregivers of economic poor families. (5) Being in the predicament of lacking various resources, economic poor caregivers are unable to meet children’s diverse educational requirements. Such situation influences main caregiver’s expectation for children. (6) Children who lack family members’ love tend to seek support and warmness from the outside and easily take the wrong turning due to influences of bad peers. Based on findings of this study, suggestions regarding three major aspects are proposed. The first suggestion is about social welfare service. Social workers are suggested to strengthen caregiver’s positive parenting style by means of individual coaching; social welfare institutions are suggested to plan parental courses in conformity with caregiver’s parenting demands, enhance caregiver’s expectation for children, and pay attention to children’s school work and learning motivation. Secondly, in terms of education, disadvantaged family and education resource network should be enriched to increase caregiver’s educational ability, develop positive parent-child relationship, and enhance children’s learning achievements. The third suggestion is about policy. It is necessary to implement child welfare policy as well as functions of government agencies and non-governmental social welfare organizations so that caregivers can learn parental knowledge-ability to benefit children’s growth and development.


economic poor main caregiver parenting style


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