  • 學位論文


Combination of chemical assay and bioassay to determine brominated contamination in dust and their toxicity in the elementary schools, kindergartens and automobiles

指導教授 : 趙浩然


室內灰塵為學齡孩童暴露多溴聯苯戴奧辛/呋喃(polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans, PBDD/Fs)與多溴聯苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)之重要途徑。本研究旨為調查小學、幼兒園與車輛灰塵中PBDD/Fs與PBDEs濃度,並結合報導基因法(Ad-DR bioassay)分析幼兒園與小學灰塵中總多氯聯苯戴奧辛(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans, PCDD/Fs)濃度,進一步評估學齡孩童透過灰塵攝入上述污染物之危害。本次研究共分析78件次台灣南部與中部地區之灰塵樣本,其中包含24件次國小一般教室(NR)與24件次電腦教室(CR)、10件次幼兒園教室(KR)與20件次汽車(V)灰塵樣本。本研究利用高解析氣相層析儀/高解析質譜儀分析14種PBDEs同構物與12種PBDD/Fs;並使用Ad-DR bioassay分析灰塵樣本中總PCDD/Fs之生物毒性當量(bio-analytical equivalents, BEQ)。本次研究結果顯示,NR、CR、KR與V灰塵中14種PBDEs濃度分別為440、2331、453與1987 ng/g;NR、CR、KR與V灰塵中平均PBDD/Fs分別為0.0275、0.0588、0.0161與0.0790 ng-WHO2005-TEQ/g,NR、CR與KR灰塵中平均BEQ分別為0.0131、0.0138與0.00337 ng-BEQ/g。車輛灰塵中PBDEs同構物分佈與其它灰塵樣本略為不同,而PBDD/Fs同構物分佈則非常相似。在全部的灰塵中PBDEs濃度與PBDD/Fs具有非常顯著之線性相關(n=78, adjust R2=0.256, p<0.001),顯示灰塵中PBDE與PBDD/Fs污染可能來自於同一種污染源。進一步評估健康風險,PBDE與PBDD/Fs之攝入風險均低於相對之閥值,學齡孩童經由居家灰塵暴露PBDEs與PBDD/Fs濃度要高於學校教室。上述的研究結果均顯示。台灣學齡孩童經由室內灰塵暴露PBDEs、PBDD/Fs與PCDD/Fs之濃度屬於安全之範疇。


Indoor dust is an important source of exposure to polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans and diphenyl ethers (PBDD/Fs/DEs) for school-age children. Our goal is to investigate concentrations of PBDD/Fs/DEs in elementary school, kindergarten and vehicle dust, and then to use a reporter gene assay (Ad-DR bioassay) to determine concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) in elementary and kindergarten schools and to further assess the impact on school-age children via ingestion. Seventy-eight dusts including 24 normal (NR) and 24 computer classrooms (CR) in elementary school, 10 kindergarten classroom (KR) and 20 vehicle (V) were collected from Southern and Center Taiwan. Fourteen PBDEs and twelve PBDD/Fs were measured using high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry, whereas total bio-analytical equivalent (BEQ) of PCDD/Fs was measured using Ad-DR bioassay. The mean levels of Σ14PBDEs in NR, CR, KR and V dust were 440, 2331, 453 and 1984 ng/g. The means of ΣPBDD/Fs and ΣPCDD/Fs were 0.0275 ng-WHO2005-TEQ/g (concentration: 4.09 ng/g) and 0.0131 ng-BEQ/g in NR dust, 0.0588 ng-WHO2005-TEQ/g (10.4 ng/g) and 0.0138 ng-BEQ/g in CR dust, 0.0161 ng-WHO2005TEQ/g (2.51 ng/g) and 0.00337 ng-BEQ/g in KR dust, and 0.0790 ng-WHO2005TEQ/g (22.8 ng/g) in V dust. The PBDEs pattern in V dust was quite different from that in other dust samples, but the PBDD/Fs patterns in four types of dust were similar. A linearly significant correlation coefficient (n=78, adjust R2=0.256, p<0.001) was found between ΣPBDEs and ΣPBDD/Fs in whole dust, indicating that the PBDEs and PBDD/Fs in the dust may be from the same sources in the indoor environment. This study assessed the risks (daily intake and cancer and non-cancer risks) of PBDEs and PBDD/Fs of the children from the classroom and vehicle dust, and the calculated risk values did not exceed the related thresholds. With regard to the exposure scenarios for school-age children in an indoor environment, the results suggest that they might ingest more dust PBDD/Fs/DEs in their homes than in the schools. In conclusion, the exposure of Taiwanese school-age children to PBDD/Fs/DEs and PCDD/Fs via indoor dust was within a safe range based on our findings.


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