  • 學位論文


The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process Analysis for Citizen National Defense Education Textbook Version - A Case Study of Senior High and Vocational Schools in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 巫沛倉


在教科書版本多種選擇的情形下,學校如何選擇與評估適當的教科書版本已成為一個非常重要的課題。目前關於教科書選擇與評估的相關研究不少,唯每個學科科目因本身需求不同,對教科書的要求當然也不全然相同,在教學過程中教科書是教師與學生之間最重要的橋樑,教科書的選擇也成為決定學習效果的重要指標。 現今國際情勢瞬息萬變涉及國家安全的因素複雜,全民國防教育的教學用書版本與內容必須能兼顧學生的自我學習需要及教師的教學專業需求,讓每一個學生配合教師的教學方式吸收課程內容,最後達成教學目標。在眾多版本的教科書中,決策者如何在複雜的決策環境,利用最具效益的評選方式於最短的時間內做出公正客觀的判斷,進而評選最佳的教科書版本,成為選購人員的一項重要課題。 在評選教科書的相關準則,最早 Gall (1981)將教科書審查標準區分為發行者與經費、物理屬性、內容屬性、教學屬性等四大構面。既有文獻上對教科書評選的評選因子,主要皆以此四大項目為主要架構,並伴隨其他不同課程的教學需求與特色作為切入點,衍生評選項目作為評估。 本研究主要探討全民國防教育課程教科書版本的評選,以教學需求與特色的評選角度切入,探討其評選因子是否適當明確,在教科書評選因子確立之後,並藉由層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)與專家問卷彙整,演算出其評選權重,以期建構出全民國防教科書的評選決策模型,讓學校決策群體透過此模型迅速有效評選適合的教科書。


Since there are various versions of text book for schools to choose from, assessing and deciding the appropriate curriculum material has becoming an important issue for schools to ponder. Although there are abundance of researches regarding on curriculum material valuation, using the appropriate criteria depend largely on the subjects and the teachers’ teaching styles. Hence, finding the right text books would set the tone for the success of the classes. Due to the ever changing international political environment and the national security exposure, homeland security curriculum material not only need to provide the content that is friendly enough for self-learning purpose, but also require to possess the substance that is suitable for classroom lecture. Using subjective criteria for assessment in order to choose the most effective and appropriate text book has always been a difficult task for the decision makers. Handbook for evaluating and selecting curriculum materials, Gall (1981), had categorized the curriculum material assessment into Publisher and funding、Physical Properties、Content Properties、Teaching property。Many curriculum material assessment criterions are built on these four categories coupled with subject and teaching style specific criteria. This research will be focusing on the assessment of homeland security curriculum text book. We will be investigating the applicability of employing teaching style criterion and teaching requirement criterion in text book assessment. After locating the most accurate assessment criteria, we would then utilize AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and expert survey to determine a decision making model for school decision makers to adapt in order to seek the most appropriate curriculum materials for homeland security courses.




