  • 學位論文


Relationship between Breakfast Intake and Short-term Memory, Learning Achievement in Elementary School Children

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景:食用早餐可以適時提供大腦運作所需的能量,幫助兒童學習,許多研究顯示兒童可能因未食用早餐產生的飢餓感無法專心於課堂學習,在台灣較少研究兒童早餐攝取與學習成就的關係,因此,本研究目的欲瞭解國小學童早餐攝取與短期記憶及學習成就之間的關聯性。 研究方法:以台中市國小四至六年級(10~12歲)兒童進行調查,受測學生自行填答早餐攝取現況問卷,由專業之心理測驗評量人員施測短期記憶力,並收集受測兒童在校之國語與數學成績。 研究結果:共有167位國小兒童參與本研究,88%的兒童平時有攝取早餐的習慣,有習慣攝取早餐的兒童其數學成績顯著高於沒有習慣攝取早餐者。受測兒童早餐攝取之蛋白質、維生素A、維生素B-12、鈣、鎂、磷、鋅和纖維質攝取量與短期記憶成績呈顯著正相關,維生素B-12、鎂和磷的攝取量與其國語、數學成績亦呈顯著正相關。 結論:受測兒童有習慣攝取早餐者與其短期記憶成績、學習成就表現有顯著正相關。兒童應養成每日食用早餐的習慣。


Background:Eating breakfast provides energy for the brain and improves learning. Many research supported children who skip breakfast are unlikely to attend and concentrate on the teacher’s lecture in the morning session because they are hungry. In Taiwan, there have been few studies regarding the relationship between breakfast consumption and academic performance in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between breakfast intake and short-term memory, learning achievement in elementary school children. Methods:The participants were fourth, fifth, and sixth graders (aged 10~12 years) in an elementary school in Taichung. The participants completed questionnaires on breakfast consumption patterns, followed by short-term memory tests with professional psychological test assessment staff. The participants’ Chinese and math grades at school were also obtained. Results:The results showed that 88% of participants consumed breakfasts on a regular basis, and these participants demonstrated significantly superior math performances compared to those who did not consume breakfast regularly. Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and fiber content of breakfast had a significant positive correlation with participants’ short-term memory performances. Vitamin B-12, magnesium, and phosphorus consumption and content also had a significant positive correlation with their Chinese and math grades. Conclusions:The participants consumed breakfast regularly were significantly and positively related to their short-term memory score as well as Chinese and math grades. This research supports children would benefit from the habit of eating breakfast every day.


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