  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Gardening Activities to Improve Concentration, Emotional Stability, Interpersonal Interaction and Self-Confidence of the Schizophrenia and it’s Inspirations to Early Childhood Education

指導教授 : 魏宗明


本研究為探討精神分裂者進行園藝活動之成效,藉由園藝活動的設計,讓精神分裂者透過園藝活動之植栽換盆、園藝小品設計製作等的過程中,復健粗大動作及精細動作的敏捷度、協調性等能力,增進學習專注力及情緒穩定度,並促進師生關係及團體互動,進而拓展人際互動關係,達到適當的社會適應、溝通能力以及自我表現能力的發展,並探究本研究之成效對幼兒教育的啟示。 本研究為期2個月,每週一次,為下午1~1.5小時,共計8次。每次活動結束後,使用本研究之園藝活動評量表來評分。研究設計採用參與觀察法進行,選取位於彰化縣某機構入住的4位重度精神分裂者為分析對象。本研究資料蒐集的方式有研究者及協同教學者的軼事記錄、評量表等,並輔以錄影、錄音做事後回顧等多元方法。資料的分析以質性敘述為主,量的統計為輔。 本研究結果顯示: 一、園藝活動對機構內精神分裂者的專注力具有提昇作用。 二、園藝活動對機構內精神分裂者的情緒穩定具有提昇作用。 三、園藝活動對機構內精神分裂者的人際互動具有提昇作用。 四、園藝活動對機構內精神分裂者的自信心具有提昇作用。 五、園藝活動對幼兒教育具有十分積極正面的啟示。


This research is directed to discuss effects of teaching individuals with schizophrenia to garden. In detail, individuals with schizophrenia were taught to change potted plants and design houseplants in gardening in order to restore agility and coordination with respect to coarse and subtle activities, increase learning attention, help control temper, increase good student-teacher relationship, increase interaction with groups, increase interaction with other people, improve adaptability to society, improve communications skills and improve self-demonstration ability. This research is also directed to what can be inspired to early childhood education from above effects. The research lasted for two months, once a week, and 1-1.5 hours per participation in the afternoon. There were eight times in total. Evaluation was done by scoring in a gardening activity questionnaire of this research after each activity. Participation and observation were methods adopted by this research. Four individuals with schizophrenia from an institution of Changhua participating the research as subjects. Stories of researches and assistants were collected as records, and gardening activity questionnaire, and video recording and audio recording of the participations were collected as references in this diverse oriented research. Further, data analysis was focused on description of the effects with quantity statistics being secondary. Results of this research after analysis: 1. Gardening can increase attention of individuals with schizophrenia. 2. Gardening can help temper control of individuals with schizophrenia. 3. Gardening can increase interaction between an individual with schizophrenia and other people. 4. Gardening can increase self-confidence of individuals with schizophrenia. 5. Above gardening experience can be positively taken as references for future improvements of children education.


