  • 學位論文


Implementing a Management System for a Local Elementary School Library by Using RFID

指導教授 : 曹世昌 陳兆南


本研究乃基於國小圖書館圖書管理及安全的需要,提出一種具有效率的圖書管理系統。 目前國小圖書館圖書管理甚至鄕鎮圖書館仍使用人工來管理圖書。 有鑑於目前國家教育政策正著眼於推廣閱讀教育,各級學校機關都鼓勵學生、民眾多閱讀、所以導致各級學校圖書館、公立圖書館使用率大增。 人工管理費時費力,又常有逾時未歸還、看完圖書未放回原位、圖書錯置、導致不能外借的圖書、文件誤借外出、相關工作人員疲於整理、追蹤各類圖書。 時間一長久造成圖書短少,圖書破損不易查覺造成管理的死角或尋找圖書不易。因此如何利用有效率的圖書管理系統,和建立圖書流向的安全機制相對的非常的重要。 本旨在探討結合無線射頻辨識系統以設計圖書管理系統。當裝置RFID Reader的行動設備接近貼有Tag的文件、圖書、影音CD、圖書DVD時,即透過無線網路傳送代碼至系統主機,資料庫即將對應之文件及資訊回傳至PDA。利用RFID技術中最重要的物件追蹤特性,它將免除因尋找文件及圖書所消耗的人力與時間成本。


Based on the requirements of the elementary school library management and security, an efficient library management system is proposed. Current elementary school libraries, and even the county libraries, still use manual methods to manage. Since the current national education policy aims at promoting reading education, school authorities at all levels encourage student and people to read so to significantly increase usage rates of school libraries of all levels and public libraries. Manual management takes time and effort, and cause late returning or not returning, not backing into place after reading, and misplaced books so that books cannot be borrowed, documents go out by mistake, and make relevant staff fatigue in order to track all kinds of books. As time goes, it will cause book missing and damaged books not easily perceptible so to result in the dead corner of management, or hard finding of library books. And so how to use library management system efficiently, and to establish the security flow of books are relatively important. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how to design library management system integrated with RFID system. When the mobile devices with RFID reader are close to documents, books, audio CD, and book DVD, which are affixed with tags, it will transmit codes through the wireless network to the system host, where database will respond to request and transmit the corresponding documents and information back to the PDA. By using the most important characteristics of RFID technology to track the object, it will eliminate the manpower consumption and time costs for searching documents and books.


RFID document management library management


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