  • 學位論文


The Study of Environmental Attributes and Place Attachment - A Case Study of Dapeng Bay Bikeway

指導教授 : 張庭彰


近年來,由於溫室效應問題一直都被社會關注,使得環保意念升貣,政府紛紛倡導希望民眾能節能減碳,少開車多騎自行車。經由政府的整體建設與規劃,全台各地設置許多自行車專用道,也因此人民逐漸地參與自行車騎乘這項新興的休閒運動。因此本研究以大鵬灣環灣自行車道為實證研究場域,研究目的旨在了解自行車使用者在從事自行車活動之環境屬性與地方依附之關係。 本研究工具採用問卷設計,抽樣方式為便利抽樣,並以大鵬灣環灣自行車道為研究場域,研究對象為前往大鵬灣環灣自行車道騎乘自行車的地方居民,共得有效問卷230份,回收率為82.14%;研究結果顯示,受訪的對象多為31~50歲且已婚有小孩者,以及大多居住在東港鎮且無經常性收入的退休人員、家管或學生為主。在造訪大鵬灣環灣自行車車道的自行車使用者特性中,主要與家人及朋友共同前往,並由親友告知訊息且無加入任何協會,每個月參與10次以內,每次騎乘31分鐘~1小時。在不同人口背景變項之婚姻、教育程度、攜伴對象及騎乘時間對環境屬性方面具有顯著性差異;在不同人口背景變項之年齡、居住地、前往頻率、參與年資、騎乘時間及是否參加自行車協會對地方依附方面具有顯著性差異。環境屬性與地方依附之間的構面呈現正相關,當環境屬性滿意度愈高則地方依附(認同、依賴)也會相對提高,反之地方依附愈高則環境屬性滿意度也愈高。因此,環境屬性滿意度愈好,自行車使用者對大鵬灣環灣自行車道的認同及依賴程度也尌愈高,更願意前往大鵬灣環灣自行車道進行騎乘活動,意即當地方依附愈好,對大鵬灣環灣自行車道的環境也會加以了解,並提昇其滿意度。


The problems of global warming are now a serious concern in society; therefore, our government is doing her best to fulfill the policy of saving energy and hope that the carbon footprint can be reduced. Encouraging cycling instead of driving can make the policy realized. Our government planned and constructed many bikeway in Taiwan, which offer excellent environmental for people to practice the exercise. Therefore, this research is aiming to understand the cyclists’ relationship between environmental attributes and place attachment. This research is based on questionnaires and simple random sampling. The location chosen for the research is in Dapeng Bay bikeway. The subjects interested are mainly the local residents. The sample size is 230 which are 82.14% of the total sampling. The subjects are mainly married with children; aged 31 to 50 including local residents who don’t have secured income such as retirees, housewives, and students. One of the characters of the bikers using the path is that they go cycling with friends who play the role of informing the bikeway. The second character is that the bikers don’t join any cycling club. They usually ride their bikes for 31 minutes to an hour for at least ten times a month. The differentiation is larger in environmental attributes if the variables are controlled in marriage status, education, riding with companions or not, and riding time. The differentiation is larger in place attachment if the variables are controlled in age, residence, frequency of going biking, the year of practicing biking, riding time, and join the cycling club or not. Another finding is that it shows positive correlative between environmental attributes and place attachment. In other words, if the satisfaction is higher in environmental attributes then it results in higher place attachment, and vice versa. Therefore, it can be concluded that local residence with higher degree of place attachment results in higher satisfying in environmental attributes because the locals usually identify themselves with the location, and depend on it for exercise. Thus they are more likely to use, understand, and enjoy the bikeway.


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