  • 期刊


The study on Physical Quality Attributes of Pro-Cure Coating by Offset Printing


UV互斥上光技術係在印刷品表面,先印UV透明底墨,再以UV上光油全面塗布完成;在液態光油和固態底墨接觸區域,因兩者介面間不同表面張力的作用,產生上光油塗布不成膜的內聚反應,而凝結成許多顆粒;其表面特性因光線折射,構成消光的視覺效果;又因表面附著固化細小顆粒,形成磨砂的觸覺手感。而在未印底墨的上光區域,形成高光澤鏡面薄膜;故在印刷品表面展現出高反差的效果。UV上光油的配方係由寡聚物、稀釋劑、光起始劑及助劑等四部分組成。本研究將助劑定義為獨立變項,以調整光油的表面張力;其餘為控制變項。以不同比例之助劑,調製成六種表面張力達因值(32、34、36、38、40、42)的UV上光油。再將其塗布於滿版印上互斥透明底墨的雙面塗布紙。透過量測與綜合比較分析各實驗組間因表面張力的差異,而影響印刷品表面形成之互斥光油顆粒特徵以及印刷品質物理特性分析,其結論如下:(一)單位面積內的顆粒數、顆粒圓度與表面張力由小到大呈現正相關之趨勢;(二)單位面積內的顆粒面積比率、顆粒尺寸以及顆粒粒徑,與表面張力由小到大呈現負相關之趨勢;(三)光澤度與表面張力由小到大呈現負相關之趨勢;(四)耐磨擦度在ASTM D5264的測試規範下,皆可通過荷重4磅磨擦500次的測試條件。


UV pro-cure coating is an innovative application that prints a base pro-cure ink on a paper then applies a pro-cure varnish over the full-area. The contact areas between the solid of the base ink and the second varnish have the matt appearances due to the difference of their surface tensions. Next, the remaining areas without procure ink appear high-gloss. This application brings a highcontrast visual effect and a sandblasting hand feeling on a paper. The UV pro-cure varnish formula consists of oligomers, reactive monomers, photoinitiators and agents. We had six kind of surface tensions in dynes (32、 34、36、38、40、42) for experiments and tried to find out the effects and differences between the treatment paper surfaces. And we found the results as below: 1. the trend is a positive correlation between the surface tensions of varnishes and each of the counters of pro-cure bead and the circularities of beads per square millimeter. 2. the trend is a negative correlation between the surface tensions of varnishes and each of the area properties of pro-cure bead, the average sizes of beads and the average diameters of beads per square millimeter. 3. The trend is a negative correlation between the surface tensions of varnishes and the specular glosses of papers. 4. The treatment papers were qualified in rub resistance by the ASTM D5264 test method under the condition of 500 times with 4-pound weight load.


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