  • 期刊


A Study on Education of the Elderly in Rural Taiwan




老人教育 鄉村地區


Taiwan has recently been confronted with many new issues regarding the elderly and their welfare because of an ever-increasing elderly population. Although Taiwanese society has begun to deal with these problems, what little progress has come has occurred in urban areas. Such efforts also neglect the fact that the population of elderly has grown much more rapidly in rural areas. Indeed, even though attempts to provide the elderly with education could significantly help them in solving their problems, past researchers have generally failed to examine such efforts, particularly in application to rural areas. This research thus intends to explore the educational program currently implemented in rural areas for the elderly. The purposes are twofold: (1) to portray the general trends of such programs; and (2) to examine the educational programs and activities for the elderly in a specific rural town-a case study.The rural educational programs in place for the elderly displayed several common aspects:(1) Programs created specifically for the elderly in rural areas were rare. (2) The elderly actively engaged in available educational activities.(3) Most organizations providing educational programs faced economic and resource problems such as lack of finance. human resources, teachers, and locations to hold activities.The case study revealed several important characteristics of the various educational programs:(1) Educational planners, practitioners, and educators placed emphasis on learning skills and practices rather than on liberal courses. All of them are convinced that the elderly have vast potential to acquire new knowledge, and they believe that the extension of educational programs in rural areas is feasible.(2) The elderly who participated in the programs generally were of lower age, female, mentally healthy, of higher socioeconomic status, and resided near the educational organizations.(3) Those who participated appreciated the educational programs and were satisfied by the quality of teaching.(4) All of the elderly demonstrated strong eagerness for continued learning.


education elderly rural


江怡婷(2010)。農會辦理松年大學高齡者之 學習動機及學習滿意度研究-以幸福鄉農會為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.02897
