  • 期刊


Discourse on the Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor (Neijing) and Research at Literary Treatment




Medicine belongs to the nature discipline and the literature belongs to the humanities discipline. But their research objects are both "human being". Literature is the conversion state of author's life experience. The writers' experience of pain in life often become the source of their creative power, and also is the roots of his works unique style. The literature has the function of cognition, education and entertainment. Apart from these functions, literature also maintain human beings' spiritual existence and health. It has the function of cure. Literature works call have physical and mental curative effects in two aspects: one is the treatment to others-his readers; on the other is the treatment to the author. Literary therapy is a kind of age-old psychotherapy calling more and more attention. It organically and imperceptibly combines writing and reading and treatment together, getting writer and readers treated in a delighted mood. In a sense, writing and reading is actually a psychological experience. When disappointed in their life circumstances, writers always express their emotion in the poetry and the creative process to let out their feelings and grievances and in this way, their unpleasant feeling have slowly been relieved, then, ultimately to the state of quiet mind-to their soul homes. At the same time, it can make works arouse readers' sympathy and engender a psychological surge with noble emotions to produce a curative effect. This article discussed Emotion-Caused Disease Pathogenesis and Treating Principles in "Neijing"; in the meantime, within the framework of "Neijing's" view of emotion causes disease, by applying activities of literature and arts to dredge the subjects' desire and emotion, the Subject may find joy in his or her own thoughts and emotion, get rid of passive sentiment and finally reconcile his emotion with understanding.


