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Comparison of Three Floor Friction Measurement Devices


滑倒與跌倒是主要的職災事故之一。走路時,腳在地板上之滑動可歸因於地板和鞋底之間摩擦力不足,而鞋底與地板間的摩擦係數是用來評估滑倒風險的主要指標。作業現場的地板的抗滑性的量測需要使用可攜帶式的量測器。目前有許多摩擦係數量測器被開發出來,每一種量測器設計原理不同,操作方法不同,在完全相同的地板所得的量測值也可能不同。本研究旨在比較Brungraber Mark II、鐘擺式測試器、及水平拖曳量測器等3種可以攜帶的量測器在地板摩擦係數量測之操作與數據之差異,以供使用者進行數據比較時的參考。研究量測了3種的地板材質、6種地板表面狀況、兩種地板傾斜角度下之3種量測器量測摩擦係數,並分析其差異。研究結果顯示在有液體覆蓋的地板表面,Brungraber Mark II有較佳之敏感度,能夠凸顯液體會降低地板表面抗滑性之特性。水平拖曳量測器對地板表面液體的敏感度最低,其讀數無法凸顯液體會降低地板表面抗滑性之現象。


Slips and falls are major occupational incidences. Slipping of the foot on the ground may be attributed to the lack of friction at the footwear and floor interface. The coefficient of friction (COF) at the footwear and floor interface has been adopted as one of the major indices to assess the risk of slipping and falling. The COF measurement on workplaces requires the use of portable friction measurement device. Many friction measurement devices have been developed. Each device is designed based on different principle and requires different operating procedure. Different friction measurement devices even report different readings. The variations of friction measurement readings and operating procedure of three portable friction measurement devices, namely the Brungraber Mark II, the Pendulum Skid Tester, and the Horizontal Pull Slipmeter, were compared in this study. Friction measurements on three floors, under six contaminated and two inclination conditions were conducted. The results showed that the Brungraber Mark II has better sensitivity to liquids on the floors. The phenomemon that liquid reduces the slip resisatnce of the floor may better be identified using this slipmeter. The Horizontal Pull Slipmeter, on the other hand, was less capable to identify such a phenomemon.


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No Skidding Products Inc., http://www.noskidding.com.


