  • 期刊


Effects of Matching Instructional Methods and Learning Preferences for Economics Learning




In the process of searching for strategies and methods that can be easily implemented and readily integrated into everyday economics instruction, the present study set out to explore the potentials of cooperative learning on students’ cognitive, affective and social gains as compared to individualistic learning--the traditional instructional mode adopted most often by economics instructors nowadays. While re-structuring classroom, one important issue that warrants instructors’ attention is students’ learning preferences. Matching instructional methods and individual differences is intuitively recommended for humanistic education; yet, the idea is rarely substantiated empirically. Hence, another purpose of this study was to explore the interaction effects of matching instructional methods and learners’ preferences on student learning. A 2x2 factorial design was adopted for the study. Data analyzed using two-way ANOVA found that cooperative learning promoted student academic achievement, and enhanced student attitudes toward economics and interpersonal relationship better than individualistic instructional method. Based on the collected data, it was suggested that to enhance students’ cognitive, affective and social gains, cooperative learning would be the preferred instructional method to adopt regardless of individual learning mode preferences


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