  • 期刊


Effects of the Quality of Healthcare and the Physician-Patient Relationship on Patient Loyalty: An Empirical Study of the Department of Cardiac Surgery


目的:改進醫療服務品質與醫病關係品質是醫療管理者的主要目標,醫療服務品質與醫病關係品質是病患知覺醫院醫療服務的重要因素。本研究探討醫療服務品質、醫病關係品質與病患忠誠度,目的在建立整體架構來探討服務品質影響醫病關係品質與病患忠誠度,而醫病關係品質影響病患忠誠度的理論模式。 方法:實證資料收集來自中部某醫學中心之心臟外科病人342份有效樣本,使用AMOS5.0軟體驗證本研究理論模式。 結果:研究發現醫療服務品質正向影響醫病關係品質,醫病關係品質正向影響病患忠誠度,醫療服務品質無法直接影響病患忠誠度,醫療服務品質必須透過醫病關係品質才能影響病患忠誠度。 結論:醫病關係品質是醫療服務品質影響病患忠誠度的重要中介變數,在此關係中醫病關係品質扮演重要角色。


Objectives: The overall quality of service and the quality of the relationship between physicians and patients are important factors affecting patients' perceptions of the healthcare they have received from a hospital. This study investigated the characteristics of that service and relationship, and how they affected patient loyalty. It utilized an integrated framework to explore how the quality of healthcare service affected the physician-patient relationship and patient loyalty, and how the quality of the physician-patient relationship influenced patient loyalty. Methods: The responses gathered from 342 cardiac surgery patients at a medical teaching center located in central Taiwan were analyzed with AMOS version 5.0 statistical software. Results: The results showed that the perceived quality of healthcare service positively impacted the reported quality of the physician-patient relationship and the perceived quality of the physician-patient relationship positively impacted patient loyalty. The quality of healthcare service did not directly impact patient loyalty, but influenced patient loyalty through the quality of the relationship. Conclusion: The quality of the physician-patient relationship was identified as the most important aspect of healthcare service affecting patient loyalty.


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