  • 期刊


Job Satisfaction among Nurses in a Medical Center in Central Taiwan


This study explored job satisfaction among nurses in terms of self-evaluation, workplace environment and the welfare system. All nurses who had been employed 3 months or more in a medical center in central Taiwan were included in the study. Out of 793 distributed questionnaires, 692 were returned (return rate=87.26%) and 673 (84.87%) were valid. Data were analyzed by SAS/PC+ 6.11. Overall, self-evaluations scored the highest, and the welfare system scored the lowest. In terms of self-evaluations, obstetrical nurses scored the highest, and medical nurses scored the lowest. Significant differences (F=5.89, p<0.01) were noted. With respect to work environments and the welfare system, special unit nurses scored the highest, and intensive care unit nurses scored the lowest. Significant differences (F=5.46, p<0.01) were shown. We also found that older age and longer employment history were associated with more satisfaction with workplace environment and welfare. With respect to status differences, registered nurses were more satisfied than other nurses. Regarding stage, N2 and N3 were more satisfied than N1 nurses. Significant differences (p<0.05) were shown. Our findings can serve as a useful reference for hospital administrators to improve mutual communications and achieve a more humanistic managerial environment. For future investigations regarding job satisfaction, we recommend using the customer satisfaction theory so that inner customers’ (for example, different departments in the medical center) responses to nurses are included for further improvements.


工作滿意度 內顧客


This study explored job satisfaction among nurses in terms of self-evaluation, workplace environment and the welfare system. All nurses who had been employed 3 months or more in a medical center in central Taiwan were included in the study. Out of 793 distributed questionnaires, 692 were returned (return rate=87.26%) and 673 (84.87%) were valid. Data were analyzed by SAS/PC+ 6.11. Overall, self-evaluations scored the highest, and the welfare system scored the lowest. In terms of self-evaluations, obstetrical nurses scored the highest, and medical nurses scored the lowest. Significant differences (F=5.89, p<0.01) were noted. With respect to work environments and the welfare system, special unit nurses scored the highest, and intensive care unit nurses scored the lowest. Significant differences (F=5.46, p<0.01) were shown. We also found that older age and longer employment history were associated with more satisfaction with workplace environment and welfare. With respect to status differences, registered nurses were more satisfied than other nurses. Regarding stage, N2 and N3 were more satisfied than N1 nurses. Significant differences (p<0.05) were shown. Our findings can serve as a useful reference for hospital administrators to improve mutual communications and achieve a more humanistic managerial environment. For future investigations regarding job satisfaction, we recommend using the customer satisfaction theory so that inner customers’ (for example, different departments in the medical center) responses to nurses are included for further improvements.


job satisfaction inner customer


敖文瑜(2008)。護理人員專業承諾、工作滿意與離職傾向相關度性之研究 ~以某區域醫院為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2008.00031
蔡李玉卿(2009)。護理人員工作壓力工作滿足組織承諾與 離職傾向之相關性研究〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2009.00022
