  • 期刊


A Study of Usage Evaluation of Universal Design Home Electrical Products by the Aged Groups



本研究旨在探討高齡族群對於產品「通用設計」之接受性。而通用設計之意涵謂之一般性設計,其所設計生產之產品,係不分族群、人種,皆能使用。因此,首先透過文獻探討與相關研究,釐清並建立其研究架構,繼而針對中南部地區部份安養機構及居家老人,透過問卷整合歸納高齡族群對於通用設計之觀點,並建構通用設計之原則。 前測問卷以李克特量表(Likert Attitude Scale)作為評量工具,以獲得高齡者對不同產品之熟悉度,並分析不同背景之高齡者對產品之操作熟悉度是否具差異性。在主要研究中則以通用設計的角度,進行受測者對產品「操作介面」及「造形元素」兩部份。 結果發現:經描述性統計得知高齡族群熟悉度最高的三項產品依序為電扇、電話、電視遙控器;且由變異數分析發現高齡者在不同屬性產品之操作熟悉度上,會因背景的不同而有所差異,尤其以性別及年齡因素差異最大:整合上述分析又可歸納得到通用設計因素分述如下:(1)產品之造形元素或介面形狀之設計皆以幾何形態為主體,並符合簡單化設計。(2)產品介面數量以不超過4個單位,可提高操作熟悉度。(3)盡量以「貼身設計」減少操作之動作量。(4)整合家用產品所附屬之搖控器,並以設計模組化與產品相組合,以強化使用操作之簡易性。


The study is search for old aged group to the degree of accepting the home electrical products of Universal Design. And general design that the meaning designed in Universal Design that products do not assign the ethnicity, ethnic group, can all use. However, search for research through documents at first, distinguish and set up the structure of studying. Then to in the midland and southern Taiwan areas the some the a rest-home organization and house aged people, examine before passing and main questionnaire is it sum up advanced aged to Universal Design view, and build constrict the evaluation. The questionnaire with the Likert Attitude Scale as tool of evaluation, that is it to different familiar degree of product, analysis to familiar with degree on all operation of products in different background of aged people. In main research, persons who are examined in degree accepted of two pails of ”operated interface” and ”product's form” in the Universal Design. Finally, Learn through describing statistics that is electric fan, telephone, TV remote controller in order that is familiar with one degree of three highest products at aged people. This study is due to ANOVA analysis to find familiar with different operation of products for aged people, because the background is different from especially the sex factor. Integrated with above-mentioned and analysis that can get the principle of Universal Design to state it as follows: 1. The design of the form or the interface shaping of geometry, and accord with and simplify designing. 3. Try one's best in good time with ”personal to design” to reduce the controlling movement. 2. The products interface don't only over four units; the result will improve and operate knowing degree well. 4. The ones that integrated the home products and a remote control of device, and design module group with products that operated are simple and easy to strengthen for user.


