  • 期刊


A Study of Relations between Self-perceived Barriers in Career Development and Personal Career Decision Making for College Students with Locus of Control Orientations




The main purpose of this study is to discuss about the relations between self-perceived barriers in career development and personal career decision making for college students with locus of control orientations. Subjects(865)were screened from the universities of middle Taiwan and conducted with a battery scale of Career Barrier Inventory, Internal-External Locus of Control Scale, and Career Decision-Making Scale. Analyses by the methods of Canonical Correlation and Regression Procedure, revealed a significant correlation between college students' career decision-making and the self-perceived barriers in career development on two groups of internal and external oriented, and the same results of the factorial dimensions between them. By the parameter estimate of REG Procedure, parts of them are revealed quite different between the relation personal career decision-making to the barriers in career development on two groups. The implications of these findings and suggestions for enhancing the career guidance and career education in campuses and improving the research methods to the instrument and the study itself are discussed.
