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Exploring Strategies of Public Relations in Super Basketball League


本研究目的在探討超級籃球聯賽(Super Basketball League; SBL)之公共關係策略,並提供後續實務與研究上之建議。質性研究之個案研究法為本文之研究方法,主要研究問題包含:(1)SBL七隊所面臨之內部公眾與外部公眾為何;(2)SBL七隊危機處理之策略為何;(3)SBL七隊之公關人員如何與媒體建立關係;及(4)在特定情形中,譬如當球隊知名度不佳時,因應的公關策略為何。研究結果發現,SBL七隊之公關人員認為球員、教練、公司員工與主管是最常接觸的內部公眾;而球迷則是接觸最頻繁的外部公眾。大部分受訪者提到舉行餐會是建立內部與外部公眾關係的主要活動。SBL各球隊之公共關係人員透過下列方式以降低負面形象對球隊與企業的衝擊:(1)立即向媒體澄清;(2)對社會大眾釐清真相並且劃分權責關係;(3)透過私下人際關係,使負面消息不曝光。在特定公共關係策略的使用方面,負責SBL部分行銷公關活動的ESPN強調,ESPN根據各球隊的特殊性規劃適當的公共關係活動,至於SBL七隊所使用的公共關係策略包含:(1)慫恿球員在球場打架以獲得媒體版面;(2)提供更好的球迷服務或舉辦更多球迷活動;和(3)當球隊戰績好時,積極促銷球隊週邊商品。


The purposes of the study were exploring public relations strategies in Taiwan's Super Basketball League and offering strategies for effective and proactive public relations. In order to examine the profile of public relations of Taiwan's professional basketball teams, a qualitative approach with a case study was chosen and four major questions in the study included (1) the internal and external publics of the SBL; (2) solutions to crises; (3) media relations; and (4) usage of public relations strategies in a given situation. The findings indicated that players, coaches, employees, and supervisors were the internal publics the Taiwan's sport public relations practitioners deal with most often. In addition, fans were the external publics they often deal with. Most respondents mentioned that having dinner with them was the most common activity. Taiwan's sport public practitioners minimize the negative impact on the organization by (1) communicating with the media immediately, (2) clarifying the facts to distinguish the obligation, or (3) covering the negative information by utilizing personal relationships. As for the usage of public relations strategies in a given situation, ESPN Star Sports customized a series of events for each individual team based on each team's uniqueness. Respondents mentioned that the specific public relations strategies they used include (1) utilizing media exposure of the team by player's brawls on the court, (2) providing better service and holding events for fans, and (3) promoting sport merchandise when the team performs well.


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