  • 會議論文


A Study on the Relationships between Attitudes toward Life and Health-Promoting Lifestyles of Senior High School Students in Tainan City


本研究目的主要在探討台南市高中生生命態度與健康促進生活型態之關係,以「青少年生命態度量表」、「青少年健康促進量表」作爲研究工具,抽取596位台南市高中生爲樣本進行問卷調查,結果如下: 一、台南市高中生的「生命態度」及「健康促進生活型態」比普通稍好。 二、生命態度與健康促進生活型態會因「學校屬性」、「性別」、「自覺健康狀況」、「家庭社經地位」的不同而有差異。 三、生命態度與健康促進生活型態不因「家中排行」的不同而有所差異。 四、「生命態度」與「健康促進生活型態」有顯著正相關。 五、「生命態度」可以有效預測「健康促進生活型態」,其中最真解釋力的爲「存在感」。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the attitudes toward life and health-promoting lifestyles of the senior high school students in Tainan City. The research instruments included ”Attitudes toward Life Measurement for the Adolescent” and ”Health-Promoting Lifestyles for the Adolescent”. This study adopted questionnaire as research method, investigated the senior high schools students in Tainan City, including 596 students. The findings of this research were as follows: 1. The attitudes toward life and health-promoting lifestyles of the senior high school students in Tainan City were positive. 2. The senior high school students of different schooling systems, gender, self-perceived health status and family social economic status showed significant differences in their attitudes toward life and the health-promoting lifestyles. 3. The senior high school students of different birth order showed no difference in their attitudes toward life and the health-promoting lifestyles. 4. There was positive correlation between the attitudes toward life and the health-promoting lifestyles. 5. The attitudes toward life could predict the health-promoting lifestyles. The most predictable variable was ”the feeling of being”.


