  • 期刊


A Study of Soccer Coaches' Job Satisfaction of Colleges in Taiwan




This study was to find out the present status of soccer coaches' job satisfaction of colleges in Taiwan and the personal background variables affecting their job satisfaction, and to offer some concrete suggestions to colleges as well as education administration authorities for improvement of systems and policies. Subjects were 49 soccer team coaches of Man's Group A, Woman's Group A and Man's Group B from 2003 National College and Academy Sport Games. This research used a self-compiled questionnaire ”Soccer Coaches' Job Satisfaction of Colleges in Taiwan” as measuring instrument. AII the data gained were analyzed distribution condition and sample characteristics by times allocation and statistical percentage and were analyzed the differences between personal background variables and seven aspects of job satisfaction of soccer coaches in colleges by ANOVA as well. It was found that soccer coaches of colleges were almost satisfied with their jobs (mean score was 3.864). Among every aspects of job satisfaction, ”opportunity for advanced studies” and ”promotion conditions” got the lowest score, while ”working partner” and ”working environment” got the highest score. Soccer coaches of colleges with different ages were significantly different in ”salaries”, ”promotion conditions” and ”relationship with the boss” etc.; and those with different salaries were obviously different in ”salaries and promotion conditions”; those in different schools with different service were markedly different in ”working environment”, ”job” and ”relationship with the boss” etc.; and those with different title were notably different in ”salaries” and ”promotion conditions” etc.; and those with different service years were significantly different in ”salaries”.


