  • 期刊


The Different Background Students Participate in Leisure Movement Attitude


本研究的目的:探討不同背景學生參與休閒運動之態度情形。本研究調查以龍華科技大學學生為研究對象,共發出550份,回收有效問卷為507份。調查問卷以SPSS 10.0中文版進行分析,資料處理採描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、one-way ANOVA分析,如達顯著差異即利用Scheffe法進行事後比較。統計分析與討論本研究有以下發現:一、男生與女生在參與休閒運動的態度因素之「認知」、「情意」、「行為」達顯著差異存在;二、不同住宿學生在休閒運動的休閒態度因素在「認知」、「情意」、「行為」無顯著差異;三、不同金錢使用消費在休閒運動的休閒態度因素在「認知」、「情意」、「行為」無顯著差異。本研究根據上述的結果,對學校及休閒服務提供者以及未來研究上提出相關之建議。


運動參與 認知 情意 行為


The purpose of this study was to discuss the different background students to participate in condition of the leisure movement attitude. This test investigated students from Lunghwa University of Science and Technology as object of study. Sent out 550 questionnaires altogether, the recycling effective sample is 507 questionnaires. The questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS 10.0. The data processing selects descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA to analyze. If have marked difference, use Scheff's method to compare afterward. The results of statistical analysis and discussion are as follows. First, male and female students in participating leisure movement attitude factors are ”cognitive”, ”affective”, and ”behavioral” that have the existence of marked difference. Second, different lodging students in leisure movement attitude factors in ”cognitive”, ”affective”, and ”behavioral” have no marked difference. Third, use money to expend on different leisure movement attitude factors in ”cognitive”, ”affective”, and ”behavioral” have no marked difference. According to above results of study, provide the related suggestions to the school and the leisure service provider, as well as research in the future.
