  • 期刊


The Chinese Vernacular Teaching in Malaya and the Particularity of Ma Hua's Literary Language: Chinese Transliteration System as its Source




切音 白话文 马华文学


The literary innovation of the May Fourth Movement was not an unexpected event. Before the vernacular text become common, in late Qing we already had new thinking from"Xinmin Congbao" which organize by 'Liang Qichao', also translation of the foreign novels by Lin Shu, and the foreign academic translations of Yan Fu, then followed by a lots of political article and local academic texts written by the highbrow of the new society, such as Zhang Shi Zhao, all these proved that the intellectuals in the late Qing dynasty are carrying out the great liberation of classical Chinese, trying to integrate words and language in order to implement a unified speech recognition text on the goal of popularizing Chinese national education. This liberation of the language constituted the linguistic scholar's research on the alphabetical method and the establishment of the 'national language'. Under the urging of the May Fourth Literature Movement, the Mandarin Movement successfully promoted vernacular education in the 1920s, pushing the completion of the May Fourth literary innovation. This paper attempts to explore how traditional intellectuals borrowed dialects in the late Qing dynasty to bridge the dichotomy between Chinese characters and Chinese phonetics, and release the class differences between literature and languege from the perspective of thinking. The innovation of the ideological language during this period is closely related to Lu Gang Zhang alphabetical phonetics movement. A group of scholars with experience in translating foreign languages, and even learning English in Singapore or Europe and the United States, they used the symbolic phonetic scheme to integrate dialects and carried out the learning mode of Chinese Pinyin, integrated Chinese language. At the beginning of this century, Malaya was also in sync with China on these language innovation, where the original dialectology was changed into a vernacular teaching, which attracted the literati from China. These intellectuals promoted the teaching of vernacular in the state and eliminated the ethnic restrictions and barriers of running dialect school . At the same time, however, the vernacular teaching is complicated by the aggregation of ethnic groups and the interference of various dialects. Behind the "phonetic alphabet" scheme of the Mandarin movement, the habit of using dialect way if teaching is still remain. Mr. Tu Nan's alphabetical phonetics table can be imagined that local vernacular education has spawned alternative attempts due to different language environments. The focus of this paper is not on linguistics, but on this background, after further exploring the implementation of vernacular teaching, the language expression of literary creation in literati from China and Malaya period is due to the convergence of dialects, foreign languages, idioms and "national languages". The particularity is likely to cross with the vernacular process of the "Mandarin Movement", but it constitutes a special literary aesthetic consciousness due to considerable differences.
