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Museum, Theatre and Arts University: Alternative Ways of Thinking about Arts Education, Performance and Space


藝術類大學校園涵蓋博物館與劇場的屬性與功能,校園的教學、展演與行政管理顯然已非傳統的學校行政與教學管理所能涵蓋。本文嘗試利用博物館、劇場的概念,與博物館、劇場管理的方法,在藝術大學的基本教學目標與功能之外,探討校園在原有的藝術教學、創作、研究與展演、管理機制照常運作之下,成為一個生活劇場(living theatre)、總體劇場(total theatre),或藝術的生態博物館(Ecomuseum)的可行性,及其與校園的互動關係。並以國立臺北藝術大學為實例,說明校園環境與藝術教學、創作、展演,如何融合劇場/生態博物館概念,打破觀眾/演員的界限,表演者藉不同的劇場空間、型式,尋找更多的創作來源與表現方式。讓校園自然形成生態博物館的架構,也具有生活劇場的特質。


The campus of an arts university is necessarily infused with the characteristics and functions of museums and theatres. The teaching, performance, administrative and management needs and functions of arts universities cannot be fulfilled by the administrative and management concepts and practices of conventional institutions of higher learning. This article aims to make use of museum and theatre concepts and management methods to discuss the feasibility of transforming arts universities into living theatres, total theatres or arts ecomuseums in terms of arts education, the creative process, research, performances and management. The Taipei National University of the Arts serves as an example of how a campus environment, arts education, the creative process and performances can incorporate theatre and ecomuseum concepts, and break down the boundary between the audience and performers. By making use of different theatre spaces and models, performers can develop new sources of creativity and methods of performing. In this way, the campus not only naturally forms the structure of an ecomuseum, but also takes on characteristics of a living theatre.


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