  • 期刊


The action reseaech on the effect of emotional expressions of the elderly in the activities intervened by congregational meals - An exemple of the community care spot of The Taitung Presbyterian Church


With the rapid progress of social changcs in Taiwan, the National Devclopment Committec announced that in March 2018, more than 14% of the population over 65 ycars old and offcially being an old agc socicty. In response to the coming of an aging socicty, it is bound to become an important topic to encourage clders to participate in community activities or church mcals in order to achicve active aging and healthy living. Thercfore, this study explores the cmotional performance of the clderly in a church's activitics including congrcgational meal through the action rescarch. The elderly in the Taitung Presbyterian Church care center are used to analyze the rescarch through the nceds survey of the clderly, action rescarch, and in-depth interviews. This study was presented using qualitative rescarch methods. After more than six participatory action studies, the elders took the initiative to participate in the activity of "the tales under the big tree" , showing that the clderly are bencfited from group dynamics, stablc cmotional performance and social linkagc and support. In addition, 12 scniors who have participated the congregational meal of the Seniors Fellowship in the church were invited for in-depth interviews. Therefore, the results of this study found that: First, the emotion of the clderly participated in the meal was established on a good personal cating habits and the concept focusing on physical and mental health. Second, the congregational meal has the immediate and dclaying cffect on increasing the fecling of happiness and satisfaction of the elderly. Third, the multi-style connection and support of the congregational meal activities can reduce the sad mood of the clderly. Fourth, he life of faith becomes the food in accompanying the soul of the elderly, and life can rely on and showing the power of positive emotion. The author of the study suggcsted that, in the futurc, the questionnaire design should be designed through the church for the study of communion, co- prosperity, mutual assistance, and shared beliefs, and expand the scope for quantitative data collection to further verify the church's ministry in the community. What kind of meal is provided to cnhance the direction of the changes of the elderly. The investigator is described by the situation described in Mark 6:34-~42 in the New Testament. It is scen from the teachings of Jesus that his compassion for the peoplc begins, and that "compassion" is to make the action "'response." Through the joint activities of the church elders, the rescarchers explored the current generation of "shortage" by action, and how the Christian social workers who follow the Lord can understand that there is an infinite amount of "love" in the world to supply everyone a "rich" world.
