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Re-examination of the authorship of the Commentary to the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana




The Commentary to the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana, the Shi Moheyanlun, was attributed to Nagarjuna in the tradition of Chinese Buddhism. This attribution is doubted by modern scholarship, which argues that this commentary was composed in China by a Chinese author. Taking this issue, the present paper analyzes in depth the content and doctrines of the text in question, and the translation history of both the root treatise and the commentary. The article shows that the root treatise, the Awakening of Faith in Mahayana, was doubtlessly translated by Paramartha at the Jianxing si of the Shixing commandery in the Heng in the third year of Chengsheng era of the Liang Dynasty (554), and conclude that the Commentary was translated by Paramartha himself.


《佛說不增不減經》。T16, no. 668。
