  • 學位論文


A Study on Taiwan's Food Dollar Series

指導教授 : 徐世勳


為瞭解近十年來臺灣整體農食系統及附加價值農業之趨勢,本研究參考美國農業部經濟服務局之研究,欲採用行政院主計總處所公布之2001、2006及2011年產業關聯表,自三種不同面向以衡量臺灣消費者消費國內農產品之名目與實質價值分配,並進一步分析各個農食產業所獲得之價值。 由本研究之結果可知:在農食市場運銷方面,若政府持續忽視農民自農產品所獲得之價值,農民之農業收入將會日漸萎縮;在農食供應鏈產業方面,顯示現今臺灣農食系統之四大主要供應鏈產業為食品批發零售業、餐飲服務業、加工食品業及農業與農企業;而在原始投入分配方面,以勞動報酬占比最大,其次為營業盈餘、資本消耗及間接稅與進口稅額。 本研究認為,農業應從過去生產型農業的思維,加入價值鏈的概念轉化為附加價值農業,因此本文欲透過農民與整體農業供應鏈的兩個面向,提供提升附加價值之實質政策建議。另外,在農業政策上的擬定,亦建議政府應同時考量生產者與消費者的角度,以利制定對臺灣未來農業發展有效且具全面性的農業政策。


For understanding the overall food system and providing the framework of the value added agriculture in 10 years, this paper examines, with a filter of the U.S. ERS food dollar series, Taiwan’s food dollar series through the final market demand by using the 2001, 2006, and 2011 Input-Output data, published by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics in Taiwan, demonstrating two denominations (nominal, real). The paper seeks to answer the following questions: “what’s the distribution of the food dollar which we pay for our daily expenditure from three different aspects in Taiwan? And how much Taiwanese farmers will earn from the food dollar?” The empirical results of Taiwan’s food dollar series in 2011 is supported by the following evidences. The marketing bill series implies that if the government continues to neglect earnings that farmers received, farm value will be shrinking over time. Second, the industry group series suggests the top four supply chain industries of value-added share are“Food Transactions,” “Food Services,” “Food Processing,” and “Farming and Agribusiness”. As for the primary factor series, Taiwanese worker salaries accounted for the largest portion, followed by operating surplus, consumption of fixed capital, and taxes on production and imports. The paper concludes that we should extend the perspectives from traditional agriculture to value-added agriculture and consider from both consumers and producers side to implement the effective and comprehensive agricultural policy.


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