  • 學位論文


A Study of Turning Nonprofit Animal Protection Organization into Social Enterprise: The Case of Taiwan 319 Loving Cats Association

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


我國於1998年正式公布施行動物保護法後,各種非營利動物保護團體紛紛成立並為弱勢動物爭取福利,然而該類團體常因經費或人力不足致使組織無法健全發展。而近幾十年來從歐美興起的「社會企業」,以商業化方式賺取盈餘,但仍維持組織原本公益社會目的的方式,是否可應用在此類非營利團體中,以強化本身非營利組織的體質,是值得我國追求現代動物福利發展所須探討的議題。 本研究採用深度訪談法,先整理歸納文獻資料及訪談個案相關關係人後,運用社會企業化SCP模式將訪談資料分析整理,以探究個案在社會企業化過程中面臨的利基及困境,並了解其社會企業化的經營模式,最後給予相對應的具體管理建議。 研究結果發現,協會目前尚需克服的困難為:結構面上屬扁平未分工組織、未僱用專任商管人才及對社會企業認同感不足;行為面上組織經費來源仍不足,且在行銷策略運用時,尚須注意生命議題與商業操作之平衡;績效面上還無法達成至少一半以上的收入源自交易,並仍需整合部分當地不認同居民之歧見。至於協會原已具備的利基為:結構面上領導者具企管及行銷概念,且組織宗旨持續受社會關注重視;行為面上協會以兼具動保關懷及對人的同理心,來結合社區發展並運用多重行銷策略達成組織目標;績效面上由於「猴硐貓村」景點興起,使協會能有較多與外部包括社區、政府機關、及媒體的互動,因此使大眾容易對其產生較高的認知程度。最後據以提出對非營利動物保護團體社會企業化的經營管理建議。


After the Taiwan government implements the Law of Animal Protection from 1998, many non-profit animal protection groups have been founded to fight for the welfare of animal. However, these groups seldom develop well due to the lack of financial support and human resources. Last ten years, the concept of social enterprise has risen from western world. Social enterprise earns profit through commercial behavior, but use the profit in non-profit purpose. This study will investigate the ways to transform non-profit animal protection group into social enterprise to make these groups properly develop. Thus, the animal welfare in Taiwan could also be well developed. This research majorly uses the method of in-depth interview. The information from the related document and case-related people is collected and summarized. This data is then analyzed by the SCP model of social enterprise. In this way, the advantages and disadvantages of transforming the studied case into social enterprise are investigated, Finally, the corresponding management proposals and the operating models are proposed. Through SCP analysis, the disadvantages that should be overcome by the associations are provided. One the structure side, the association still belongs to a horizontal organization and lacks of clear work distribution. Moreover, the association lacks professional administrator and the internal members have not developed the identification to the social enterprise. On the conduct side, there are still no sufficient funding resources. The balance between life and commercial issues should be considered when utilize the marketing strategies. On the performance side, more than half of the income does not come from the commercial activity. The different and negative opinion from the local resident still needs to be reconciled. The advantages that the association has are also provided. On the structure side, the leader has the knowledge of business management and marketing concept. The society still pays close attention to the aim of the association. On the conduct side, the association combines animal protection, empathy to human, and community development and utilize multiple marketing strategies to reach the aim of the association. On the performance side, the Hou-Tong village has become a new sightseeing place, this advantage makes the association has more interaction with the community, government and media. Thus, the public can easily have more identification to the association. Finally, this study proposes strategies to make non-profit animal protection group transform to social enterprise.




邱于軒(2015)。為流浪動物奮鬥── 動物保護人士之轉化學習歷程〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2015.00122
