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Searching for Best Free Trade Agreement Practices in Pacific Island Countries: Exploiting Vulnerabilities to Maximize Benefits

指導教授 : 羅昌發教授


Abstract Pacific Island countries (PICs) face numerous problems that have accentuated their vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are regarded as disadvantages and have continued to anchor them in the mire state of affairs. How can the PICs exploit these vulnerabilities to maximise their benefits? Instead of using these vulnerabilities as an excuse, I propose that they capitalise on these weaknesses for their benefit. A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) provides an opportune situation where the PICs can utilise their vulnerabilities for their own benefit and their unique circumstances call for a new approach in conducting the FTAs. The approach must be centred on the plight of the PICs. The whole process starts from the negotiation phase and it should be guided by clear objectives and principles. Abstract concepts such as sustainable development can be more beneficial if it is applied in a more concrete fashion. I propose that the PICs conduct their negotiation based on principles that will ease their vulnerabilities. For instance the intellectual property (IPR) chapter calls for a new approach beyond the traditional IPR chapter. The importance of my approach hinges on the paradigm shift, from seeing these vulnerabilities as a minus to appreciating them as a game changer. In a nutshell, it is favourable for the PICs to enter into an FTA that best suits them by utilizing the possible routes to achieving that end. Some particular routes are more are beneficial than others. For example a plurilateral approach is more conducive than a bilateral one. The objective is for an FTA that enables them to rise and shine by utilizing the vulnerabilities to their advantage.


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