  • 學位論文


The Local Implementation of Wind Power Policy in China:Cases of Jiangsu and Guangdong

指導教授 : 林子倫


20世紀70年代末以來,中國經濟保持了長期較快發展,但粗放的發展方式和以化石能源為主的能源發展模式導致資源利用、能源安全、能源效率、溫室氣體排放等問題相繼出現。與此同時,國際社會呈現從以化石能源為主的傳統能源結構向以清潔低碳能源為主的可持續能源結構轉變的能源轉型趨勢。由於風能是清潔的永續能源,而且可利用的風能在全球範圍內分佈廣泛,風力發電逐漸成為許多國家可持續發展戰略的重要組成部分。 為了達成減排目標與構建低碳能源體系,中國希望到2020年建設風電裝機達到2億千瓦。2005年,全國人民代表大會常務委員會通過了《可再生能源法》,制訂了發展目標、產業發展指導、全額保障性收購制度、產業發展基金、提高科學技術與教育等方面的法條。隨後國家發展和改革委員會、國家能源局等部門根據《可再生能源法》制定一系列風電政策。從2004年到2015年,中國風電裝機容量高速增長,累計裝機容量從2004年的743兆瓦上升到2015年145,109兆瓦,風電占生產電力量約3%。但是,在風電快速發展的背後出現了各種問題與困境,一方面,以三北地區為主的省份出現棄風限電現象,另一方面,中東部及南方沿海省份等電力消納中心遭遇風電場建設效率低下的困境。可見,地方的政策執行對推動風能和其他可再生能源的發展具有重要的影響。 本文在政策執行理論的基礎上,通過個案分析法和文獻分析法,以中東部省份代表江蘇省和南方省份代表廣東省為案例,從地方政策目標制定、多級政策執行者的政策行爲等探究中國風電政策執行的模式,並通過資源條件、制度法規、執行者意向、參與者意願和組織關係等五個面向探討影響地方政策執行的因素。 本文認爲,中國風電政策通過「由上之下」的模式推動政策執行。以國家發展和改革委員會和國家能源局為代表的中央政府制定一系列風電政策,向各省下達風電發展指標,並通過對審核權的控制來激勵地方發展風電。但是風電政策在地方執行的過程遇到各種問題導致政策執行阻滯。在中央政府制定政策,地方政府執行的關係下,各級地方政府執行者的意願、政府間的組織關係以及相關的制度法規、資源條件、參與者等五個影響因素都影響著地方政策的執行效果,其中執行者意向和組織關係對政策執行產生重要的影響。 因此,未來風電發展中應更加關注地方政府的角色與利益。關鍵在於在現有的中央與地方關係制度下,結合集中式和分散式風電開發模式,化解風電等可在生能源與化石能源之間的利益衝突,維護地方利益的同時推動中國的風電產業繼續蓬勃發展,提高風電等可再生能源發電比例。


Since the end of the 1970s, China’s economy has been growing rapidly. However, based on fossil fuels, the development of long-term extensive way causes a series of problems. Meanwhile, more and more countries widely use renewable energy. Among all of the renewable energy sources, wind energy has great potential for utilization. Thus, in the past few decades, wind power plays an important role in many countries. In response to climate change and energy revolution, Chinese government committed to install 200,000 MV wind power turbines until 2020. In 2005, China adopted new law on Renewable Energy. Subsequently, headed by National Development and Reform Commission, central government made a series of Wind Power Policy. At the end of 2015, the Chinese wind industry had installed 145,109 MW wind power turbines, generating approximately 3 percent of China power. However, with the rapid growth of wind power, problems appear in policy implementation. Six regions of northern China face grid constraints, while in eastern and southern China, local government is in a dilemma whether to build more wind power turbines or thermal power plants. Policy implementation plays an important role on wind power development. Based on policy implementation theory, I focus cases of Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces by documentary analysis, in order to understand the policy implementation model of wind power policy in China. And then I test resources, institution, policy implementer, stakeholder and organization, these 5 factors’ influence on implementation of wind power policy. In conclusion, there is a Top-down model of Wind power policy implementation in China.On on hand, central government set a goal and make wind power policy, on the other hand, local government is responsible for policy implementation. In the process, central government encourages local government to develop wind power through decentralization. However, both of Jiangsu and Guangdong did not achieve their goals in 12th Five-Year period. The results are affected by lack of resources and institution, the interest of policy implementer and stakeholder, especially insufficient organization. In the future, we should consider more on the role of local government and coordination. Under the relationship between central government and local government, how to encourage local government to promote the development of wind power becomes more and more important.


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