  • 學位論文


A Study on Child Welfare Functions and Administrative Structure of Taiwan’s Central Government

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


為配合我國政治經濟及社會結構的改變,社會福利在民眾需求、業務或經費規模上均呈現擴張趨勢,而隨著國人教育程度提高,女性勞動參與率上升,加上臺灣近年來人口及家庭結構快速變遷,少子化現象嚴重,衍生子女托育需求、兒童教養照顧等問題,不論在法令或政策上更大幅擴張兒童及少年福利需求,除了傳統救貧濟助、受虐保護之外、更增加托育照顧、醫療照護、課後社區照顧、特殊兒童早期療育、未成年懷孕、偏差少年輔導、兒童及少年性交易防制等福利服務需求,而政府也適時回應社會期待而規劃各項福利政策及提供福利服務措施。 本研究主要是從功能與行政組織設置的基本考量,透過文獻蒐集整理,以及筆者擔任兒童局局長之親身經驗,並輔以半結構式的深度訪談,探討我國中央兒童及少年福利職能與組織之發展演變及所產生之問題;而行政院2012年即將展開組織再造,未來社會福利與衛生醫療整併成立衛生福利部,不再設置兒童局,因此本論文就組織再造對於兒童及少年福利服務輸送,所衍生之正面及負面影響加以研析,並就未來可能面對的問題進行探討,尋求因應策略。 本文最後將上述各章節研究發現及心得予以呈現,並對研究結論提出個人建議意見,期待組織再造,對兒童及少年福利行政組織及職能,得有更具體且宏觀的願景與展望。


Coinciding with changes in Taiwan’s political, economic and social environment, the welfare system has gradually expanded in budget and administration due to increased needs for services. Factors including higher level of education, increased female labor force participation, changes in population and family structure, low birth rate, all contribute to higher demand for proper child care. Legislations and government social policies have also widened the scope of social welfare coverage beyond the traditional social assistance and child protection to include child daycare, after-school care, medical care, early intervention for children with special needs, teen pregnancy, juvenile delinquent and crime, sex trade involving children and youth. Societal expectations have triggered government’s changes in policy and expansion in social welfare services. This objective of this study is to examine the functionalities and organizational structure of the child welfare system in Taiwan’s central government as well as to explore related organizational development issues and challenges. The research method includes an extensive literature search, analysis of official documents, and semi-structured interviews. The author’s own professional experience as the director general of the Children’s Welfare Bureau, Ministry of Interior, proves to be relevant and useful. In 2012, a major reorganization initiative at the national level will see amalgamation of the central government’s health and social welfare departments and agencies. The existing Children’s Welfare Bureau will be absolved by a new department within the new Ministry of Health and Welfare. This study attempts to address potential impacts, both positive and negative, in service delivery that may result from the reorganization. To conclude, this paper presents lessons learned and recommendations in hopes that the reorganization will bring about a new paradigm in Taiwan’s child welfare.




林佩儀(2012)。我國中央社會福利行政組織體系演變過程 之研究(1987-2010)〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.10282
