  • 學位論文


Relationship of Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Status with Self-rated Health

指導教授 : 江東亮


研究目的:一個人的社經地位高低是影響其健康的重要因子之一,社經地位較低的族群可能會有較差的自評健康與生活型態。過去的研究使用客觀社經地位指標或是主觀社經地位指標皆顯示出相似的趨勢。本研究以主觀與客觀社經地位之間可能產生不一致現象做為基礎,檢驗在不同的客觀社經地位條件下,主觀社經地位對自評健康的影響程度是否有所不同。 研究方法:本研究資料來源為「臺灣社會變遷調查資料庫」2012 年以健康與醫療照護為調查主題之樣本,包含 2199 名具有代表性的樣本,其中將回答 A 卷的樣本與 B 卷樣本分別分析。本研究將以羅吉斯回歸檢驗在控制了客觀社經地位(可支配所得、教育年數)以及社會人口學特質(性別、年齡、籍貫、婚姻狀態後、居住地發展程度)後,主觀社經地位與自評健康之間的關係。並且以客觀社經地位進行分層分析,檢驗在不同的客觀社經地位條件下,主觀社經地位之影響力是否有所不同。 研究結果:在控制了客觀社經地位指標以及社會人口學特質後,主觀社經地位越高的樣本其自評健康佳的比例也越高,A 卷樣本與 B 卷樣本的主觀社經地位對自評健康的勝算比分別為 0.82(p=0.0001)與 0.90(p=0.0051)。以客觀社經地位進行分層分析後,以客觀社經地位較高的樣本,主觀社經地位與自評健康之間的關聯性較強。 結論:主觀社經地位為影響自評健康的重要因素。而客觀社經地位的不同將使主觀社經地位與自評健康關聯強度產生差異,以客觀社經地位高的樣本關聯較強。


Background:Social status is an important factor that influences health. People whose social status is low will have bad self-rated health and lifestyle. Other researches which use objective social status indicator or subjective social status indicator show the same pattern. Concerning that there is inconsistency between subjective social status and objective social status, this study want to examinate whether subjective social status will have different influence on self-rated health under the condition of objective social status. Methods: Data for the analysis came from the Taiwan Social Change Survey consist of 2199 samples. This study analyzed sample A and sample B respectively. This study used logistic regression to test the association between subjective social status and self-rated health after controlling for objective social status and demographic variables such as gender, age, race, marital status and development level of living place. Next, I tested whether subjective social status will have different impact on self-rated health under the condition of objective social status by using stratified analysis. Results: After controlling for objective social status indicators and demographic varibles, the sample whose subjective social status is high has better self-rated health. Logistic regressions show that the odds ratio in sample A and sample B by high subjective social status are 0.82 and 0.90 for bad self-rated health. Stratified analysis shows that the association between subjective social status and self-rated health is stronger in high objective social status than in low objective social status. Conclusion: Subjective social status is an important factor that influences health. The strength of association between subjective social status and self-rated health is altered by objective social status. The association is stronger in high objective social status.


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