  • 學位論文


Applying Orient-Object Technique to Construct 3D Virtual Tourism--A case study in the Yeliou Geo-park

指導教授 : 朱子豪


有鑑於國內外旅遊資訊重要及需求性日漸提高,目前網際網路上各式旅遊資訊的提供,皆欠缺線上旅遊的實際體會。一般網站大多提供平面電子地圖,遊程服務,或是環景照片等虛擬旅遊方式,這些旅遊資訊,大多只能瀏覽,無法再更深刻地模擬真實旅遊景點旅客實際互動的狀態,意味著無法真切體會真實旅遊時發生的情況。在地理資訊領域中,3D GIS提供了強大的3D視覺呈現空間資訊,在空間資訊的視覺呈現上更符合人的直覺及觀感,但除了空間學門相關人員,一般遊客從3D GIS獲得旅遊資訊並不多。究其原因,對一般使用者而言,3D GIS缺乏簡易的操作,無法如真實世界在3D場景內遊走(Walk Through );遊客行為與環境的互動無法給予適當模擬;另一方面GIS空間資訊的屬性資料,與使用者所需的旅遊資訊並未相符。 本研究希望能更貼心地模擬真實旅遊情境,使用虛擬實境技術平台,提供解說導覽及旅遊資訊服務,讓遊客彷彿置身現場般的旅遊體驗。為了瞭解真實世界中的各種旅遊行為及資訊需求,透過文獻分析,現場調查及專家訪談,將旅遊物件初步抽取分類,再利用物件導向方法將遊客、解說員、景點轉化成數位化的旅遊物件,並描述物件屬性、行為以及物件間的關係,建置3D虛擬旅遊系統。配合3D虛擬實境環境,將空間、人物、時間、活動四面向,當作旅遊資訊供給篩選因子,以四種因子與資料間的關係過濾旅遊資訊,主動提供旅遊資訊,滿足遊客在3D虛擬旅遊中的旅遊資訊需求。 本研究建置3D虛擬旅遊系統,以高中生參觀野柳地質公園活動為代表示範,使用者可自由操作虛擬人物,進行野柳解說導覽活動,獲得更深刻、更獨特的旅遊體驗;而3D虛擬旅遊中旅遊資訊供給服務是否符合使用者需求,結果顯示系統主動提供資訊服務與使用者需求相符的比例有37.6%,被動提供資訊服務與使用者需求相符則有17.4%,整體主被動的資訊提供有75%對遊客是有用的,因此透過篩選模式過濾後的旅遊資訊提供對旅客是有幫助的。


According to the importance of tourist information and strong demand with time, recently many travel website offer all kind of information but the Online Tourist experience really. Most of them offer “virtual traveling” include 2D electron map, journey planning and panorama photo service. But all of them can’t simulate the journey situation that interactive between tourist and scenic spots environment actually. All of then only be browsed. 3D GIS provides 3D Visualization of spatial information and more comfortable sense for people. Few tourists got traveling information from 3D GIS, because user can’t walk through in 3D scene; furthermore, we can’t simulate the interaction between the tourists and environment. Another reason the information of GIS is spatial attribute data, not corresponding to user traveling information request. We want to offer better tourist service: simulate the real travel circumstance then the people have the experience “really” on the “virtual” scene by VR technology. This research will use the method and tool of the Orient-Object to analysis/design all kinds of tourist object, interactive relation, property, action with each other. This paper using four factor (Space, People, Activities, Time) to filter traveling information providing actively. The conclusion that we build the 3D Virtual Traveling System and present the demo. User can operate the virtual people to join Yeliou Geo-park guiding activity and get the unique experience. To check if the info provide model satisfied user info demand, the result show that actively supply info have 37.6% to hit the target, the passive supply info have 17.4% to hit the target, and all of them have 75% can help user efficacious. So we can say the model is useful.


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