  • 學位論文


Study on the Apparent Digestibility of Diet on Formosan Pangolin

指導教授 : 林美峰


本研究藉由解剖十隻(三雌七雄)死亡之台灣穿山甲(M. pentadactyla pentadactyla),測量其體長、舌長及腸道長度,並記錄其體重、胃重及頷下腺重量,計算上述臟器之長度比例與重量比例,以瞭解其消化道之特色。 另利用三氧化二鉻(Cr2O3)作為飼糧在消化道中停留時間之標記,來進行基礎飼糧在穿山甲消化道中之表面消化率試驗,以瞭解基礎飼糧中乾基、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、灰分與總能之表面消化率,並研究添加幾丁質與幾丁聚醣對飼糧營養成分消化率之影響,藉以調整飼糧之組成,改善圈養之效果。 將四頭健康且體重相當之台灣穿山甲,由混養欄舍移入個別飼養籠中,並給予7天適應期。每日下午5點給飼,給飼量為40公克飼糧/公斤體重,飲水任食。試驗一:為期四個月記錄四隻穿山甲之每日採食量與每週體重變化,收集飼糧並分析其乾基含量,以瞭解其乾基採食與體重變化之關係。試驗二:於第7天添加1%三氧化二鉻於飼糧中,記錄糞便中出現綠色三氧化二鉻之日期,推算飼糧在消化道中之停留時間。此外,消化試驗為期30天,每天記錄個別穿山甲之採食量,並採集飼糧樣品與全糞樣品,進行表面消化率之計算。試驗三:利用六隻穿山甲,以拉丁方設計測試三種不同飼糧之表面消化率:(1)基礎飼糧(2)基礎飼糧添加5%幾丁質(3)基礎飼糧添加5%幾丁聚醣,藉以瞭解添加幾丁質與幾丁聚醣對表面消化率之影響。 結果顯示:(1)穿山甲成體之腸道約為體長9倍,就腸道消化特性而言,相近於雜食性動物。(2)穿山甲每日之乾基採食量為39∼71公克,每日採食能量為282.54∼353.18 Kcal。(3)基礎飼糧在穿山甲之消化道中停留時間約為24∼48小時,最遲60小時會被排出。(4)基礎飼糧乾基、粗脂肪、粗蛋白、灰分與總能之表面消化率(%),分別為88.8 ± 1.0、95.9 ± 0.9、86.4 ± 1.6、68.0 ± 5.6與91.0 ± 1.1。(5)幾丁聚醣之添加會造成穿山甲拒食,故不適宜添加於穿山甲飼糧中。(6)幾丁質會顯著降低乾基、粗蛋白、灰分及總能之表面消化率(p<.05),縮短飼糧於消化道之停留時間及改善糞便性狀。


To understand the digestive characteristics of the Formosan pangolins for optimum feeding practices, three females and seven males were anatomized for the experiment. The length from the muzzle to the vent (body length), tongue length and intestinal canal length were measured. The weight of the body, stomach, and sub maxillary salivary glands were also taken. Ratios of tongue length to body length, intestinal canal length to body length, stomach weight to body weight, and salivary glands weight to body weight were calculated. Three experimental tasks were performed to accomplish the said objective. (1) Measure the retention time of diet in the animal by adding Cr2O3 into the diets. (2) Study the apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude fat (CF), crude protein (CP), ash and gross energy(GE). (3) Understand the effect of chitin and chitosan on apparent digestibility. There were two male and two female pangolins kept in individual cages for seven days before the experiment. Every afternoon at five o’clock, 40 g diet / kg body weight was given and water supplied ad lib. In Exp. Ι, feed intake was recorded daily and body weight measured weekly to realize the relationship between feed intake and variation of body weight. In Exp. ΙΙ, 1g of Cr2O3 per 100g diet was administered and feces was collected at the 7th day to examine their color and calculate the retention time of diet. Digestive trial was carried out for 30 days, feed intake recorded, and feces collected to calculate apparent digestibility of basal diet. In Exp. ΙΙI, six pangolins were used in Latin square design experiments to test for 3 different treatment diets: diet 1 (basal diet) ; diet 2 (basal diet with chitin 5 g/100g diet) ; diet 3 (basal diet with chitosan 5 g/100g diet). The result showed that (1) The ratio of intestinal canal length to body length was close to 9 which is much similar to that of the omnivorous animal than carnivorous animal. (2) The daily feed intake of dry matter was 39~71 grams and daily energy intake was 282.54∼353.18 Kcal. (3) The retention time of basal diet for pangolins was around 24-48 hours and was 60 hours latest. (4) The apparent digestibility of DM, CF, CP, ash and GE were 88.8 ± 1.0, 95.9 ± 0.9, 86.4 ± 1.6, 68.0 ± 5.6 and 91.0 ± 1.1 respectively. (5) The diet with chitosan was not acceptable for pangolin. (6) Adding chitin into diet could decrease apparent digestibility of DM, CP, ash and GE (p<.05), therefore it could be a good way to control weight of pangolin. Furthermore, chitin seemed to improve the property of feces.


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