  • 學位論文


Consumers Preference of Miniature Phalaenopsis Pot Plants

指導教授 : 林晏州


臺灣蝴蝶蘭產業是花卉的明星產業,但是因為產銷資訊不足,導致蝴蝶蘭花色生產比例不符合市場需求。本研究目的為探討蝴蝶蘭盆栽屬性與消費者偏好之關係,以提供蝴蝶蘭銷售人員參考。本研究使用花色、花梗數、裝飾品、花器和產品價格等五種屬性,設計替選方案,再透過選擇試驗法,探討消費者對蝴蝶蘭盆栽屬性偏好程度。本研究在北、中及南部六個花市進行問卷調查,總共得到602份有效問卷。 研究結果:1.消費者最偏好的花色為黃花紅心,其次為白花、白花紅心、紫紅花;最偏好的花梗數為三梗,其次為雙梗、單梗;最偏好的裝飾品為綠色小品和人造物,其次為綠色小品、無,但不偏好人造物;最偏好的花器為黑色圓形瓷器,其次為白色方形瓷器、黑色方形塑膠;產品價格愈高越不偏好。2.十六種替選方案中,以替選方案10可以獲得的利潤最多,替選方案10的屬性為黃花紅心、三梗、綠色小品和人造物以及黑色方形塑膠,估計利潤為564.9元。 建議蝴蝶蘭生產以黃花紅心為主,白花為輔,花市、花店蝴蝶蘭產品以盆栽為主,盆栽組合以色彩豐富、組合多變為原則。


The phalaenopsis industry in Taiwan is a star business in the flower industry. Due to insufficient information on production and sale, there are problems of production disproportions in flower assortments, market demands. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between consumer preferences and the characteristics of phalaenopsis plants to offer suggestions for sale. Five characteristics are selected in this study, including flower assortment, number of flower stems, plant decorations, flower containers, and price. Choice experiment was adopted to survey consumers’ preferences for characteristics of phalaenopsis pot plants, and design alternative plans. A questionnaire survey was administered in six flower markets in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, with 602 valid questionnaires returned. The research findings are as follows. 1. The most preferred flower assortment of consumers is yellow flowers with red centers, followed by white flowers, white flowers with red centers, purple and red flowers. Consumers mostly prefer plants with three stems, followed by two stems, and one stem. The most preferred plant decorations are green miniature and artificial objects, followed by green miniature, no artificial objects, and no preference of artificial objects. The most favorite flower container is black round-shape porcelain, followed by white square porcelain, and black square plastic. Merchandises of higher prices are less preferred by consumers. 2. Among sixteen options, alternative plan 10 is the most profitable with its characteristics: yellow flower with red centers, three flower stems, and green miniature with artificial objects in a black square plastic and the estimated profit is NT$ 564.9. It is recommended that phalaenopsis production shall focus on yellow flowers, with red centers, and white flowers. It should be noted that phalaenopsis sold in the florists and market should mainly be potted plants with abundant combinations and in great varieties.


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