  • 學位論文


The Study of the Governance of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone

指導教授 : 周繼祥


2009年5月大陸國務院通過《關於支持福建省加快建設海峽西岸經濟區的若干意見》,該文堪稱海西經濟區的重要變革,更是平潭綜合實驗區的政策起源。隨後,2011年11月18日,發改委發布實施《平潭綜合實驗區總體發展規劃》,成為指導平潭綜合實驗區開發建設和編制相關專項規劃的重要依據。而2014年7月21日,福建省頒布《關於深化對臺交流合作推動平潭科學發展跨越發展的意見》以貫徹中央指示,係在既有《平潭綜合實驗區總體發展規劃》的基礎上,進一步完善平潭發展思路,轉變發展方式。 縱觀上述重要文本,不難看出大陸透過「五個共同」與「三個放」在平潭展開兩岸經濟、文化及社會等各領域交流合作,欲將平潭建設為先行先試、「比特區更特」的綜合示範實驗區,以利探索兩岸合作新模式。然而,臺灣對「五個共同」的態度南轅北轍,加上大陸放權有限、地方本位主義濃厚等問題,無異增添實驗區的困難性與挑戰性。為解決上述問題,大陸方面必須加強放權範圍與力度、屏除地方利益競爭的思維、加強兩岸互信基礎與建立共識、主動解決兩岸目前參與主體不對稱性的問題,並持續加強政策力道與配套措施。臺灣方面則應妥善利用平潭的優勢,多方進行各方面的共建參與,創造臺灣發展的利基。 本文以「5W模式」分析大陸官方公佈之重要政策,並比較平潭綜合實驗區與珠海橫琴新區、深圳前海新區之異同,以及評析其特點與優缺點,最後提出未來展望、研究發現與研究建議。本文發現從政策內容、總體規劃內涵、管委會「政區合一」的治理模式、發展時程與實踐方式等,皆可發現平潭治理模式係屬具有中國社會主義色彩的「中國模式」。然而其執行成效與規劃文本有所落差,兩岸欠缺共識亦阻礙「五個共同」的推動。儘管如此,大陸官方強力支持平潭綜合實驗區,即使有些許缺失,但在「政出必行」的行事風格下,未來發展仍不容小覷。


The State Council of China (PRC) in May 2009 adopted the "Several Opinions on Supporting Fujian Province to Speed Up Construction of The Haixi Economic Zone", which is called an important change of the Haixi Economic Zone. Besides, it's also the policy origin of the Pingtan comprehensive experimental zone. Subsequently, on November 18, 2011, the NDRC promulgated "Overall Development Plan of The Pingtan Cmprehensive Eperimental Zone", which has become an important basis for guiding Pingtan comprehensive experimental zone development, construction and preparation of related special planning. On July 21, 2014, Fujian Province promulgated the " The Opinions on Deepening Exchanges and Cooperation With Taiwan to Promote Scientific Development Across The Development of Pingtan " to implement the directives of the Central Department. The paper is on the basis of both "Overall Development Plan of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone" to improve the ideas of Pingtan development, changing the development mode. Throughout these important texts, it's easy to see China expand cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields of economic, cultural and social by the "five commons" and "three puts" in Pingtan. For the purpose of exploring new models of facilitate cross-strait cooperation, China tries to construct Pingtan into a comprehensive demonstration experimental zone, which is the pilot and more special economic zone than others. However, Taiwan's attitude toward "five common" opposed diametrically. Furthermore, China's devolution of powers is limited, the sectionalism is strong and so on. These problems will increase the difficulty and challenge of the experimental area. To solve these problems, China must strengthen the range and intensity of devolution, abandon the sectionalism and the competition thinking, strengthen the cross-strait mutual trust and build consensus, initiative to solve the problem on both sides of the asymmetry of the current participants, and continue to strengthen the policy intensity and supporting measures. Taiwan should make good use of the advantages of Pingtan and make multiple aspects involved in participation of cooperation to create a niche of Taiwan development. This research uses "5W mode" to analysis China's announcement of the important official policy, and compare the similarities and differences of Pingtan with Zhuhai Hengqin zone, Shenzhen Qianhai zone, as well as analysis the advantages and disadvantages, and bring up prospect, results and suggests in the last. From the policy content, the overall planning connotation, CMC's "Administrative-Region unity" model of governance, the development process, practices, etc., I found the model of Pingtan governance is the case of "Chinese model", which contains Chinese colors of socialism. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of its execution and planning of text has a gap, and cross-strait is lack of consensus, and it has hampered the impetus to "five commons". Even so, China authority still strongly supports Pingtan comprehensive experimental zone even with some problems. In a word, due to the China's "the imperative of politics" acting style, the future of Pingtan comprehensive experimental zone is still not be underestimated.


