  • 學位論文


Spatial Analysis of Marriage Migration in Taiwan:Compare with China and Foreign Spouses

指導教授 : 唐代彪


本研究分別針對台灣目前23萬大陸配偶與13萬外籍配偶,依據其在台灣的空間分佈情況,來建構其在台灣生活的圖像。同時,以遷移理論中的推拉理論,分析其目前在台灣分佈情況中,台灣地區的遷入地的拉力,並藉由空間統計軟體與統計模型,來檢驗空間上得鄰近性對於大陸與外籍配偶空間分佈情況的影響。此外,也對大陸與外籍配偶在台空間分佈情況以及影響其婚配移民的遷入地拉力進行比較分析。 研究結果發現,1987年以來大陸配偶在台的空間分佈上,呈現階段性由北部向南部以及東部移動的現象,反映出國內對於大陸配偶的需求由早期較為單純的退伍老兵到目前普遍化的需求分佈,但以大陸配偶到目前為止的總比例來說,榮民的需求仍然對於大陸配偶的空間分佈具有顯著的正相關,且泛綠支持度高的地區,對於大陸配偶的需求明顯較少。而在外籍配偶方面,雖然在各階段的空間分佈沒有太明顯的變化,但在空間迴規模型分析中,可以清楚看到鄰近地區的外籍配偶比例,對於本地的外籍配偶比例有顯著的影響,且第一產業較發達的地區,對於外籍配偶的需求程度亦高。另外,在經濟發展程度上,儘管對大陸與外籍配偶來說,台灣地區較好的經濟條件是遷入地的吸引力之一,但島內實際上對大陸與外籍配偶有較高需求的地區,卻是那些與大陸和東南亞地區經濟發展程度差距較小的區位。綜觀大陸與外籍配偶,除了同樣面臨女性身份與「家庭、社會雙重外來者」的適應問題外,兩者在台的圖像與台灣本身對其的需求有很大的差異,以適當的態度對待並協助其融入台灣社會與生活,是在台灣的我們所需要努力的方向。


According to government statistics, we try to describe the distribution of China and foreign spouses in Taiwan, and to understand the situation they are in. The situation include where they are aggregated, what field they are always working for, how they meet there mate…etc. Then we analyze the special characteristic of the location that they are aggregate, and find out what is the most important reasons that attract China and foreign spouses to move to that county or city by marriage. Finally, we will compare the situation of China and foreign spouse, and search out the cause why they always choose different location to migrate. The result of our research is: first, there is a tendency toward changing aggregate location form north to south Taiwan for China spouses, and this tendency means that the “demand” for China spouses is change, but the “demand” for foreign spouses is quite the same in the past 20 years. On the other hand, for foreign spouses, they have no this kind of tendency. However, they have a spatial relationship which China spouses haven’t. Second, the primary industry areas are “demanding” more foreign spouses, and the places live more retired solider, also have more “demand” for China spouses. Third, Pen-Green’s hostility toward China also reflect at the “preference ” for China spouses, therefore, the higher Pen-Green’s support rates, the lower the cross-straits marriage rates. The last but not least is that even though the China and Foreign spouses also face the adaptation problem of dual identity in their new family and new society, but the migration condition they are upon and the challenge they need to handle with are quiet different. Therefore, how to provide proper help for each of them, and how to facilitate the social integration, that is what the people live in this island all need to work for.


Amos H. Hawley(1950), Human ecology: a theory of community structure, New York:Ronald Press Co.


李錦芳(2012)。越籍新移民女性作月子文化飲食調適研究 ─ 以高雄地區為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2012.00069
