  • 學位論文

高中生的社團參與對其自我效能與學業成就的影響 -以台北市某女子高中為例

The Influences of Students' Participation in Extracurricular Activities on Self-efficacy and Academic Achievement:A Case Study of a Girls High School in Taipei City.

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


本研究以台北市某女子高中為研究對象,探討社團活動參與對於自我效能與學業成就的影響。在過去的研究當中,以探討社團活動對於學生能力增長居多,本研究則是針對社團活動對於其實際在校學業成績的影響,並以自我效能(分為學業表現、人際關係、生涯發展、體能表現,四個構面)為中介變項,瞭解學生參與社團活動是否透過自我效能對學業成就產生影響。 本研究共計發放高二全年級學生共781份問卷,有效問卷為622份。透過階層迴歸統計分析,實證結果摘要如下: 一、社團活動參與對於學業成就具顯著的負向影響,社團活動參與時數越高者其學業成就較低。 二、人際關係、體能表現自我效能在社團活動對於學業成就影響中,具有部分中介效果。 三、社團活動參與對於學生的人際關係、體能表現自我效能具有正向影響。 四、高經濟地位背景對於其學業表現自我效能、人際關係自我效能具顯著正向影響。 依據上述結論提供建議予學生家長、教育單位參考。(1)家長仍應鼓勵孩子參加社團活動,但應引導孩子於課業與社團活動之中尋求平衡。(2)教育單位應設法避免家長背景在教育、升學制度中對弱勢學生的不利情形。


The objects of this study are a girls' high school in Taipei to explore the impact of extracurricular activity participation on self-efficacy and academic achievement. In this study, the effect of extracurricular activities on actual academic performance at school is observed and analyzed and self-efficacy, which is classified into four facets- academic performance, interpersonal relationships, career development, and physical performance, is the intervening variable, to prove whether students’ extracurricular activity participation affects academic achievement through self-efficacy. In this study, a total of 781 questionnaires are issued to all second grade students, with 622 valid questionnaires. Through data analysis using regression and hierarchical models, the empirical results are summarized as follows: (i). there is a significant negative effect of extracurricular activity participation on academic achievement and the higher the number of hours on extracurricular activity participation, the lower the academic achievement will be; (ii). there is a partially mediated effect of interpersonal relationships and physical performance on the impact of extracurricular activities on academic achievement; (iii). there is a positive effect of extracurricular activity participation on students' interpersonal relationships and physical performance; and (iv). there is a significant positive effect of a high economic background on academic performance, self-efficacy, and interpersonal relationships.


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