  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Junior High School’s English PLC Promoting Lesson Study

指導教授 : 游家政


本研究旨在透過一所私立學校的國中英文教師專業學習社群,探討其成員如何藉由「課堂教學研究」之「共同備課、觀課及議課」的過程,進行對話、討論、省思及修正,來建立共識並提升教師專業成長;並且了解在此過程中,教師可能遇到的困難與解決的方法。 本研究採質性研究的個案研究法,研究者實際參與及觀察個案社群進行課堂教學研究,訪談社群成員,並蒐集相關文件檔案及省思札記等資料,進行教學反思及資料分析,再根據分析結果提出結論與建議。 本研究的結論如下: 壹、教師專業學習社群在教師專業成長中扮演重要的角色。 貳、採用適當的教學策略,課堂教學研究能促進教師專業成長,個案社群使用的策略如下: 一、改變課程設計思維。 二、建立教學鷹架。 三、運用自如的教學節奏。 參、課堂教學研究的專業對話形塑教師專業學習社群新樣貌。 根據研究結果,本研究有以下幾點的建議: 壹、對教師而言: 一、結合志同道合的教學夥伴,組成教師專業學習社群。 二、與社群成員共同切磋,增強課程設計能力及答問技巧。 三、結合不同領域的教師專業學習社群,進行跨領域的課堂教學研究。 貳、對學校而言:應鼓勵教師成立教師專業學習社群,並給予全力支持。 參、對未來研究人員而言:可以研究公立學校或不同學習階段、不同科別的教師群組,也可研究行政單位推動課堂教學研究的歷程、學生經過課堂教學研究後學習成效的結果。亦可採用不同的研究方法,如行動研究法。


This case study is to explore English teachers’ professional growth and development by promoting lesson study in a middle school English teachers’ professional learning community (PLC). The PLC worked together, planning an actual lesson, observing how the lesson was taught, and discussing the teaching after observation. Through conversation, discussion, reflection and revision, the PLC aimed to build consensus and enhance professional growth. The study also discussed possible problems and solutions to promoting lesson study in the PLC. The case study was conducted by a senior administrator in the middle school, acting as participant-observer. Data collection instruments included researcher-observation of relevant meetings and classroom teaching, post-study interviews of teachers in the PLC, document review and reflective journals from the researcher. The study concludes that 1. the PLC plays an important role in teachers’ professional growth and development. 2. with appropriate teaching strategies, lesson study can enhance teachers’ professional growth and development. Some effective teaching strategies used were changing the logic and order of lesson designing, scaffolding the lessons, and effectively adjusting teaching pace. 3. the professional conversations in lesson study form a new look of the PLC. Based on the conclusions, the study suggests that 1. teachers should find those who have the same ideas in teaching and form a PLC. Teachers in the PLC should increase the abilities of lesson designing and questioning skills. PLCs of different subjects could implement interdisciplinary lesson study. 2. schools should encourage teachers to form PLCs and provide fully support. 3. future researchers can study how PLCs are implemented in public schools, different learning stages, or different subjects. They can also research the process of administrators promoting lesson study, or the learning results of student learning after implementing lesson study. Different research methods, such as action research study, can also be applied.


王文科、王智弘(2010)。質的研究的信度和效度。彰化師大教育學報,17, 29-50。
