  • 學位論文


A study on the higher education quality assurance system in the United Kingdom

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究主要是採用文件分析法及個案研究法,透過蒐集政府機關的文件與記錄等資料,針對英國四地區英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯與北愛爾蘭高等教育品質保證制度作深入之分析,本研究目的包含: 一、探討英國高等教育品質保證制度之重要改革。 二、分析英國高等教育品質保證制度運作機制之改革與近年來之評量結果。 三、剖析英國高等教育品質保證制度與歐盟高等教育品質保證政策 之關聯。 四、根據研究結果提出可供我國未來高等教育評鑑制度改進之參考 建議。 本研究之結論可歸納為: 一、英國高等教育品質保證機制隨其高等教育體系改革而調整。 二、英國高等教育依教學與研究分別進行評量。 三、英國高等教育教學評量之實施,2005年以後是以機構層面之評量為主,且依地區而異,但研究評量之進行則全國一致。 四、英國「教學卓越架構」建制後,將可能恢復學科層面之教學評量。 五、英國政府TEF新制是否會遍及英國全國,因脫歐公投後蘇格蘭可能走向脫英而獨立,且北愛爾蘭也可能與愛爾蘭共和國統併,致充滿不確定性與變數。 六、英國公投已確定脫離歐盟,但是其高等教育品質保證工作之運作,是否將仍依歐盟及ENQA的規範原則運作,有待觀察。


By adopting the methods of document analysis and case study, this study aims firstly to analyze the higher education quality assurance system in the United kingdom as a whole, and then to compare the similarities and differences among her four countries, e.g., England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The main purposes of this study include: 1. To analyze the important reforms of higher education quality assurance system in the United Kingdom overally. 2.To explore the newest reforms of quality assurance system in the United Kingdom, the implementation and outcomes of teaching and research assessments, as well as the uniqueness of its operation in her four different countries, i.e. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 3. To analyze the relation of the British higher education quality assurance system to that promoted by the EU or ENQA in the European Higher Education Area. 4. To propose suggestions, based on the major findings, useful for the improvement or reform of higher education quality assurance in Taiwan in the future. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The Higher education quality assurance system in the United Kingdom changes in accordance with the reforms of her higher education system. 2. The teaching assessment and research assessment in the United Kingdom have been operated by the QAA and REF, respectively, and formed as the basis of her famous QA system.. 3. The teaching assessment in the UK had been implemented at the institutional level mainly after 2005, and the four countries of the UK had retained their own unique systems, but the REF, introduced in 2014 to replace the previous RAE, has been adopted as the main research assessment system in the UK . 4. The newly introduced TEF in 2016 would possibly extend the teaching assessment to the subject level, as designed in the 2016 White Paper by the BIS. 5. The new TEF was designed to be applicable to the UK as a whole, but the result of the Brexit, which has brought about the announcement of the Scottish government for the vote for independence and the consideration of the re-unification of Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic,. 6. The Brexit has resulted in the leave of the UK from the European Union, but would her quality assurance system remains in accordance with the rules of the EU or the ENQA, seems to be uncertain in the future.


