  • 學位論文


A Study on the Teaching of Native Languages and related Problems in Elementary Schools in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究以問卷調查法為主,文獻探討及文件分析法為輔,探討新北市國民小學本土語言教學實施現況及其問題,本研究主要目的有: 一、分析我國民小學本土語言政策之沿革。 二、探討新北市本土語言教育推動的情形。 三、探討新北市國民小學本土語言教學實施現況及其問題。 四、根據研究發現提出改進建議,供政府未來推展本土語言政策之參考。 本研究之問卷調查,係採分層隨機抽樣的方式,針對新北市公立國民小學本土語言教師進行調查,回收有效樣本共174份,回收率為79.45%,調查所得資料採用SPSS20.0統計分析軟體進行描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析。 本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、新北市國民小學已全面實施本土語言課程,且以開設閩南語課程為主。 二、本土語言教師所使用之教材以採用坊間教科書為主,且由學校教科書評選小組負責本土語言教材之選用。 三、閩南語教學師資以校內教師為主,客家語及原住民族語教學師資以本土語言教學支援工作人員為主。 四、閩南語教學採原班級全班一起上課方式最多。 五、客家語及原住民族語教學則採同學年跨班編班上課,而跨校策略聯盟上課因困難重重而幾乎不被採用。 六、為顧及學生的學習權益,大多數學校的本土語言課程在正式課程中實施。 七、本土語言教學師資不足是學校普遍面臨的問題,專業師資的進駐也是教師反應學校推動本土語言教育時亟需的協助。 八、本土語言教師對本土語言教學相關問題之「課程」、「評量」、「資源」構面的感受度屬中等程度,「師資」、「教學」、「教材」構面的感受度屬中低程度,感受最深刻的在「課程」構面。 九、本土語言教師對本土語言教學問題之感受不因學校所在地而有差異,但在不同規模學校任教教師的感受略有差異。 十、本土語言教師對本土語言教學問題之感受不因教師性別、族群別、教學年資而有差異,但在教師資格、本土語言教學年資方面則略有差異。 十一、本土語言教學問題各構面之間及各構面與整體之間有不同程度之相關。 最後,本研究依據所獲結論,分別針對教育行政機關、國民小學、國民小學本土語言教師、家長及後續研究提出相關建議,以供參考。


This study, mainly via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey, as well as literature review and document analysis, aims to explore the implementation of native language teaching and to analyze problems faced in elementary schools of New Taipei City (NTC, for short). The main purposes can be summarized as follows: 1. To review the development and reforms of policies concerning the teaching of native languages in elementary schools in Taiwan. 2. To explore the implementation of native language education in NTC. 3. To explore the actual practices of native language teaching and problems faced in NTC elementary schools. 4. Based on the research findings, to propose suggestions for the reference of improvement of related policies in the future. A self-designed questionnaire, in which questions concerning the problems of native language teaching were divided into six dimensions, was used as the research tool, 219 questionnaires were sent to the native language teachers in elementary schools in NTC, via stratified random sampling. 174 valid questionnaires, with a valid response rate of 79.45% were obtained. The six dimensions of questions were: curriculum, assessment, resources, teachers, teaching practice, and teaching material. The major conclusions of this study concerning the native language education in NTC elementary schools include: 1. Native language education has been put into practice in all elementary schools in NTC, and Taiwanese was the most popular native language taught in elementary schools. 2. The majority of textbooks for the teaching of native languages, chosen by the textbook evaluating group of each school, were edited mostly by private publishers. 3. Teachers of Taiwanese language courses are mainly existing faculty members of each school, while the teaching of other native languages, such as Hakka and aboriginal languages, was mainly offered by supporting specialists. 4. The teaching of Taiwanese mainly offered for all students in the existing classes. 5. The teaching of Hakka or aboriginal languages was arranged in accordance of the special needs of students. So, students in the same gra de were re-grouped for the teaching of specific languages, respectively. Difficulties for students to attend classes of other schools have made cross-school teaching scarcely happened. 6. The teaching of native language was arranged and designed as partial program of formal courses in most schools while taking the right of students into account. 7. The lack of qualified professional teachers for native language teaching was the most common problem faced by NTC elementary schools, and the support of professional native language teachers was regarded as the assistance mostly needed by elementary schools. 8. A number of teachers were aware of problems of native language teaching. On the whole, the degrees of awareness of problems in the dimensions of curriculum, assessment, resource were was at intermediate level, while that of the dimensions of teacher, teaching practice, and teaching material were at lower level, and the deepest dimension was the dimension of curriculum. 9. As to the awareness of problems of native language teaching, there was no significant difference among teachers in schools located in different areas, but there were mild difference among teachers in schools of different sizes. 10. As to the awareness of problems of native language teaching, there was no significant difference among teachers in terms of gender, ethnic origins, years of teaching, but the degree of awareness of problems of native language teaching, varied with teachers in terms of professional qualifications, and years of native language teaching. 11. Problems in different dimensions were correlated to each others, but in different degrees. Based on the findings of the study, suggestions to the education administrative bodies, elementary schools, native language teachers, parents, and future studies were proposed correspondingly for the reference of the reform of policies in the future.




