  • 學位論文

Lounge bar的空間符號對消費者之影響---一個體驗行銷的觀點

The Effects of Lounge Bar's Space Semiotics on Customer---An Experiential Marketing Perspective

指導教授 : 吳怡國


由於台灣消費社會的形成,我們逐漸進入一個以消費「符號」、消費「空間」為特色的大眾消費社會。唯有掌握「體驗行銷」之概念,才能構築出一種讓消費者驚喜、難忘與歡愉的「歷程」,便能因應全球經濟下的產業競爭。 在體驗行銷逐漸形成趨勢的同時,Lounge bar結合了各種東西方元素,在空間的呈現上,融入了豐富的東西文化。Lounge與「生活風格」具有極大的關聯,透過各種時尚工業的推銷與形塑,Lounge文化移植了這些符號與暗示。由於空間可被視為是一種可被消費的符號,在Lounge bar中,除了具備各式且多元的餐飲之外,其中還包含了哪些提供消費者體驗的象徵符號意義,而消費者藉由到Lounge bar消費,其動機隱含了感官經驗等重要意涵,且透過消費者的參與,其體驗行銷之策略創造了哪些體驗,皆成為本研究之重要關懷的焦點之一。 本研究之研究方法以深度訪談法及參與觀察的方式,企圖運用Schmitt(1999)所提出的體驗行銷之五大策略體驗模組,從消費者感官、情感、思考、行動與關聯的體驗,來初步了解Lounge bar各種空間符號對其之影響。並以實際在台北知名Lounge bar內作實地的觀察。 經由研究分析結果發現,「沙發生活」的落實,所仰賴的是大量的物質商品,這些商品涵蓋居家生活的各個層面,包括家俱家飾、食物、服裝,甚至是音樂或電視頻道的選擇。藉由這些物質商品所共同營造出的氛圍,沙發的生活概念得以實現,而Lounge bar儼然成為一種符號充斥的空間。 在體驗行銷的概念下,透過Lounge bar中各種元素與風格主題的呈現,不斷刺激著消費者的五種知覺,整體空間也讓消費者產生愉悅與舒適的情緒反應,他們主動地進行生活空間與居家內部之改造活動。並進一步去認同且對Lounge bar產生歸屬感,而消費者成為Lounge bar中的重要景觀與指標,藉著傳達個人品味,以展現自我價值與社會位置。


Due to the formation of consumer society in Taiwan, we are entering a society that is characterized by the consumption of semiotics and spaces. The only way we can confront the competition of global economy is to master the concept of ” experiential marketing” which will enable us to provide consumers with a joyous, surprising and unforgettable journey to consumption. As the practice of experiential marketing gradually gaining ground, Lounge bar integrates elements of Eastern and Western cultures in its presentation of the commercial space. Lounge has long been considered closely related to the meaning of “Lifestyle” and Lounge bar culture has heavily played on those signs or symbols through the promotion of the fashion industry. Because the space is considered as a consumed symbol, this study tried to understand and analyze the symbolic meanings within that space as to what were experienced by the consumers and how they are presented to the consumers. Through in-depth interview and participant observation, this study attempted to use five strategy modules of experiential marketing by Schmitt to understand how Lounge bar’s symbols affected the consumer’s “sense”, “feel”, “think”, “act” and “relate” spheres. Four famous Lounge bars in Taipei were selected as the contexts for examination. The study found that the realization of so-called” Lounge life” was dependent upon a large collection of actual or symbolic commodities. These commodities were then flooded in every aspect of consumer’s home life including furniture, foods, clothing, music and leisure. Through the atmosphere created by these commodities, concepts of Lounge life was taken to shape our life and Lounge bar becomes a space filled with symbols. Through the presentation of Lounge bar’s elements and style, consumer’s senses were constantly stimulated, comforted and inspired which finally led them to replicate the experience in their actual livings. Furthermore, consumers tended to identify themselves with Lounge bar culture and their involvement then became an essential part of the Lounge landscape. Through the connection with Lounge bar culture, their personal tastes, self-esteem, and social status were vainly demonstrated.


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