  • 學位論文


Competition and cooperation between the United States of America and China in the Southeast Asia (1991-2007)

指導教授 : 林若雩


冷戰時期,東南亞處於美國與蘇聯相互爭霸的國際局勢下,對許多區域議題或事件的態度必須遷就於這兩強權國的意見,被強權重視的程度不高。同時東南亞各國為了避免成為霸權國鬥爭下受人使喚的棋子,開始相互研擬在區域安全事務之外如政治、經濟、文化方面加強合作,試圖在兩極體系之中,發展出一條東南亞自主發展的道路。越南戰爭(1961-1975)後,除了美中關係正常化外,美中雙方與東南亞的交流亦相形密切,逐漸開啟美國、中國與東南亞日後合作的契機。 後冷戰時期,美國與中國在東南亞的競逐漸漸白熱化。一方面美國與東協國家維持在軍事或經濟等層面的合作。另一方面,中國於1990年代初期密集的與東協接觸以及在1997-1998年區域金融風暴發生時對東協受害國家所做出的援助,讓東協改變了對中國的看法。911事件發生後,區域局勢再次產生大變動,美國在東南亞開啟反恐第二戰場,促成美、中、東協在東南亞合作的機會。在反恐的前提下,美國穩固在東南亞的霸權地位,中國則藉由反恐深化與東協國家在各領域的合作,東協處與美中兩強之間,利用美中雙方的矛盾與分歧獲得了主導區域事務的機會。 本文主要分為三時期探討。第一時期探討從1991年至東南亞金融風暴前美國與中國在東南亞的權力變化。第二時期探討從東南亞金融風暴至911事件發生期間東南亞區域所產生的權力變動。第三部份探討911事件後美國、中國、東協三方在東南亞的互動與發展,並對東南亞未來的走向做出預測。


美國 中國 東南亞


In cold war period, Southeast Asia under the international situation which U.S. and Soviet Union mutually strives for hegemony, and Southeast Asia countries must observe the might country's in many regional purposes opinion, and the degree which taked was not been high. Simultaneously, the Southeast Asia countries in order to avoid into the hegemony country’s fall guy, they started mutually to draw up outside the regional security business and strengthen the cooperation like politics, the economy, the culture... and so on. And they attempt in the two-pole system to find Southeast Asia’s development direction. After the Vietnam war (1961-1975), besides the U.S. and China normalization of relation, they associate with Southeast Asia closely, gradually opens the turning point which U.S., China and Southeast Asia cooperate in the future. After cold war, U.S. and China gradually appear competition in Southeast Asia. On the one hand, U.S. and Southeast Asia countries maintenance military or economic cooperation. On the other hand, China was positive and the Southeast Asia countries contact in 1990 ages, as well as chinese friendly action when 1997-1998 regional finance storm occurs, changed the Southeast Asia countries to China's view. After 911 event, the regional situation has the momentous change once more, U.S. opened the counter- terrorism war in Southeast Asia, and increases opportunities which the U.S.、China and Southeast Asia cooperates. In opposition terrorism premise, U.S. stably in Southeast Asia's hegemony status, China increases in Southeast Asia's influence, Southeast Asia obtains opportunities of leading the regional business between U.S. and China. This thesis mainly divides into three periods. First period from 1991 to Southeast Asia finance storm. Mainly discusses U.S. and China in Southeast Asia's power relations. The second period from the Southeast Asia finance storm to 911 event and mainly discusses which the period of Southeast Asia’s region change. The third period discusses U.S., China, ASEAN tripartite in Southeast Asia's interaction and to forecast the development of the region.


U.S. China Southeast Asia


黃裕美譯,Samuel P. Huntington著,1997,《文明衝突與世界秩序的重建The


