  • 學位論文


Information Technology Manpower Utilization Analysis – A Case Study of F Bank Information Department

指導教授 : 黃明達


金融業資訊人事成本占資訊支出之大宗,業界通常是利用經驗法則和事後檢討來調整人力配置策略,致使人力數量經常發生預期與實際狀況之間出現差距。但過去在人力需求預測的研究卻多為針對產業別之大範圍研究。在缺乏針對單一金融資訊組織型態人力需求預測相關研究之下,本研究以國內F金融機構之資訊服務單位做為研究對象,蒐集近三年公司營收、事業單位收益比重、資訊單位人力數、資訊費用分攤及資訊單位工時等資訊,統計分析資訊人力運用於各資訊發展相關構面之概況。 經由文獻探討,本研究採用複迴歸分析統計法及工作負荷分析法,進行人力需求預測模型推估。透過研究資料分析,發現個案近三年資訊人力年均成長9.8%、維護性工作占全工時之72%、新系統開發及舊系統維護作業之系統分析工作明顯不足、事業單位之資訊投資與業務收益不成對比、新系統之開發偏重消費性金融業務等現象。透過本研究彙整之結論與建議,一方面希望協助個案資訊單位及管理決策階層,能有效了解系統發展過程各階段人力資源運用比重及資訊投資方向之合適性;另方面希望透過人力預估模型的建立,在實務上協助個案用人單位及管理決策階層能有效預測、規劃、維持與控制資訊單位人力資源。


The personnel costs are the major expenses of IT (Information Technology) spending in banking industry. The people in banking industry usually adjust staffing strategy based on their experience from the past, often resulting in a gap between expected and actual situation. The literature shows that many research studies tended to investigate manpower utilization at a large-scale level. Owing to lack of research on estimating manpower demand for financial IT department, this study intends to carry out a research in IT department at F financial institution. Its data collection over the past three years includes the company-wide and business-wide revenue, manpower of IT department, IT services cost-sharing, and IT working hour, etc. This study adopts multiple regression and workload method for data analysis. The results show that the demand of manpower increased by 9.8% each year; maintenance work was 72% of the total IT working hours; the job of system analysis was insufficient on the system development; IT investment and business income was not a contrast; new system development placed emphasis on consumer banking. This study provides the information for decision-makers to understand the process of system development stage proportion of the use of human resources and IT investment direction. Furthermore, with establishment of an estimated manpower model, the decision-makers are able to estimate, plan, and take good control of human resources.


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