  • 學位論文


A Study on Developing Second Grade Students’ Problem-Solving Capability by Using Group Cooperative Concept Mapping Strategy in Life Curriculum of Elementary School

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


本研究以小組合作學習的方式探討以概念圖教學應用在生活領域對學生概念學習之學習成效、個人問題解決能力,以及學生對概念構圖策略的接受性。本研究採「準實驗研究法」,控制組25人依照現有教材以「傳統講述式教學」方式教學;實驗組24人依照現有教材再將「合作式概念構圖配合問題解決教學歷程」的教學方式融入,研究期間配合教室觀察、教學日誌、文件蒐集、學習意見調查表、學生訪談等多樣的方式蒐集資料。研究工具有「生活科學習成就測驗」「問題解決能力測驗」及「學習意見調查表」。量化資料的分析主要是單因子共變數分析、t 檢定。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、合作式概念構圖教學在生活科學習成就的表現有正向且顯著的影響。 二、合作式概念構圖教學配合問題解決教學歷程的教學能提升學童的問題解決能力。而經進一步細部探討發現,在「界定原因」、「解決方法」、「預防問題」的後測得分上,實驗組均優於控制組,且二組之間均有顯著差異存在。 三、藉由小組合作學習、分組討論的上課方式,大多數的學生對於實施合作式概念構圖融入生活課程學習的方式具有正向、肯定的反應,但覺得書寫麻煩,及構圖上仍有部分困難。


The purpose of the group cooperative learning aims to understand students’ concept learning performance, individual problem-solving ability, and students’ acceptance on concept mapping strategies while applying concept mapping to Life domain.This study adopts ‘quasi-experimental research.’ Based on the current teaching materials, the Control Group (25 in total) is taught by ‘traditional didactic instruction,’ while the Experimental Group (24 in total) is taught by a new way of instruction of ‘cooperative concept mapping in accordance with problem-solving instructional progress.’ During the study, data was accordingly collected by multiple ways: classroom observation, teachers’ reflection journals, document collections, learning questionnaires, student interviews. Tools for study are ‘Life Course Achievement Test,’ ‘Problem-Solving Ability Test,’ and learning questionnaire. The quantitative data analysis is mainly comprised of ‘Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)’ and t-test. The major findings of the study were summarized as follow: 1.Positive and significant influences on performance on achievement of cooperative concept mapping teaching applied to Life curriculum. 2. Cooperative concept mapping teaching in accordance with problem-solving instructional progress can develop students’ problem-solving capability. Further detailed investigation suggested that the Experimental Group got better grades than the Control Group on items of ‘reason identification,’ solution,’ and ‘problem prevention’ on the post-test. And there were significant differences between both two groups. 3.By means of group cooperative learning or group discussion, most students had positive and affirmative responses to these ways of giving lessons. However, they had an annoying feeling on writing and encountered a difficulty in partial mapping.


許方、陳琮琳、C.H.Hsu‚C.L.Chen(2003)。從認知觀點談「問題解決」--及其在醫學教學之應用。臺灣醫學人文學刊, v4 n.1 & 2 p69-83。


許志煇(2015)。應用鷹架概念構圖於混合式學習成效之研究 -以工程倫理課程為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614035211
