  • 學位論文


The Study on the Influential Cluster of General Merchandise Store:The case of the Taipei Metropolis

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


本研究係探討綜合型量販店之群聚影響因素:依據產業群聚、企業特性、經營策略、環境因素與產業特性等原因,並試圖達到下列目的: 一、探討企業特性對綜合型量販店之產業群聚的影響。 二、探討經營策略對綜合型量販店之產業群聚的影響。 三、探討環境因素對綜合型量販店之產業群聚的影響。 四、探討產業特性對綜合型量販店之產業群聚的影響。 本文抽取綜合型量販店之主管為研究對象,針對大台北地區的4家廠商為研究範圍,採問卷發放方式進行調查,共發出120份,總計回收109份,其中有效問卷109份,有效回收率為90.83%,並利用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、因素分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析。 本研究結果如下: 一、綜合型量販店的企業特性以「企業規模與顧客關係」對形成產業群聚的影響是顯著正向影響。 二、綜合型量販店的經營策略著重以「低成本營運能力」對形成產業群聚的影響是顯著正向影響。 三、綜合型量販店在環境因素中以「政經情勢影響」對形成產業群聚的影響是顯著正向影響。 四、綜合型量販店在產業特性中著重以「市場競爭態勢與商品研發」對形成產業群聚是顯著正向影響。 本研究依上述的研究結果,分別對後續研究者提出建議。


The purpose of this research is focused on influential factors of clusters that existed in General Merchandise Store such as, industrial cluster, business characteristics, business strategy, environmental factors, and industrial characteristics and to execute the following aims of the study. 1. To discuss the influence generated by business characteristics on industrial cluster of general merchandise stores. 2. To discuss the influence generated by business strategies on industrial cluster of general merchandise stores. 3. To discuss the influence generated by environmental factors on industrial cluster of general merchandise stores. 4. To discuss the influence generated by industrial characteristics on industrial cluster of general merchandise stores. The result of this research, mainly aimed at the 4 firms in Taipei, was investigated by distributing questionnaires to those executive staffs in general merchandise stores. In 109 questionnaires received out of 120 issued, 109 are valid. The valid return rate is 90.83%. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. According to the statistical results in regression model, the enterprise scale-customer relationship in business characteristics of general merchandise store shows a significant and positive effect on the forming of industrial cluster. 2. According to the statistical results in regression model, low cost management mode used in business strategy of general merchandise store shows a significant and positive effect on the forming of industrial cluster. 3. According to the statistical results in regression model, the influence of political and economic circumstance reflected in environmental factors of general merchandise store shows a significant and positive effect on the forming of industrial cluster. 4. According to the statistical results in regression model, market competition circumstance and commodities development exerted in industrial characteristic of general merchandise store shows a significant and positive effect on the forming of industrial cluster. The results of this study provide some suggestions for further research.




