  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Applying Video Animation to Enhance Ink Painting Learning in Junior High School

指導教授 : 蔡銘修


教育趨勢因應12年國民教育的來臨,必須重新思考及革新。研究者在國中水墨畫教學現場面臨以下問題,水墨畫教學與教材無系統化,學生接觸水墨畫課程時間短,對於水墨畫基本技法不熟、不易控制墨色與筆法,因此學生在學習水墨畫技巧容易覺得困難以至於產生挫折感,影響到學習水墨畫的興趣與創作意願。隨著網路的快速及資訊科技不斷的發展,資訊融入各領域教學的相關研究已經十分普遍。因此,本研究旨在探討運用「視訊動畫」教學對於學習者在學習水墨畫技巧、學習興趣是否有具體的提升,透過此研究發展出適合的教學模式以作為藝術與人文教師之參考。為了達研究目的,本研究透過行動研究法進行實證,以新北市某市立國中七年級學生共29名為研究對象,運用視訊動畫來進行水墨畫教學,研究時間為期十週,並完成主題式水墨畫作品實作練習,將所得相關資料進行量化統計分析,輔以課堂觀察記錄、同儕教師教學觀察及訪談記錄,進行質性資料整理分析。 本研究所得結論如下: 一、運用「視訊動畫」進行水墨畫教學,有助於國中學生在水墨畫學習興趣的提 高。 二、運用「視訊動畫」進行水墨畫教學,能增進國中學生在學習水墨畫技巧的提升。 三、學生對於運用「視訊動畫」融入水墨畫的教學模式具有高度接受程度,有助於水墨畫教學現場之進行。


With the advancement of information technology and high-speed Internet connection, educational revolution is in need to cater for the transformation of the twelve-year public education. In recent years, information technology has been prevalently incorporated in relative studies of almost every teaching area. The challenges faced in teaching Chinese ink painting are that there is neither a systematic teaching curriculum nor teaching material. The students immerse themselves in learning Chinese ink painting for just a short time. Being unfamiliar with the skills, the students can hardly control their strokes, the tone, and color. Therefore, they are easily frustrated and become discouraged in learning and creating. This study aims at applying animated videos to Chinese ink painting teaching to see if learner’s skills and motivation can be raised significantly by animated videos. Furthermore, a proper systematic teaching model is built, contributing to the teaching of art and humanities. In this action research, 29 seventh grade students in a junior high school in New Taipei City used animated videos to learn Chinese ink painting for 10 weeks. They completed Chinese ink paintings with different themes. All the relative data including classroom observations, teacher and student interviews, and students’ paintings are analyzed qualitatively. The results show that using animated videos in Chinese ink painting teaching raises students’ interests and skills of Chinese ink painting and that the teaching model incorporating animated videos of the teaching of Chinese ink painting is highly accepted among the students.


