  • 學位論文


A study on the Public’s Awareness and Attitude of Architecture Vertical Green

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


近年來,由於都市化的影響,空間過度開發,使得綠化空間逐漸減少。因經濟發展的需求而造成人們居住於水泥叢林之中。人類離開和諧的自然環境,在狹小、封閉、便利的空間,人變得急躁、鬱悶,大量的二氧化氮排出造成都市熱島效應與全球氣候異常,嚴重影響到人類的環境生活品質,使得全球重視永續議題,推動綠化技術,使人類遠離嘈雜親近自然環境,或許是現代人的一種奢望。在各種節能減碳的方式中,垂直綠化(綠牆)可有效增加城市綠化空間,並幫助城市降溫,改善都市氣候、空氣品質及減少能源耗損,並可達到都市景觀之美化。國外許多城市多年推廣綠牆政策,使立面綠化技術成為提升環境品質之主流。 本研究探討現有建築利用垂直綠化之問題,透過案例調查與專家業者訪談討論適合既有國內垂直綠化案例問題,共8位。調查垂直綠化對於建築物、民眾的影響與問題,透過問卷法、電腦模擬,初步探討目前垂直綠化對於建築綠化類型偏好,其次將分析居民對於植生綠化的認知、態度與滿意度。並用SPSS統計軟體進行分析,共623位,其研究結果顯示如下: 一、本研究經由問卷分析,民眾高達85.4%同意都市中推廣垂直綠化,其中個人屬性變項發現,既有垂直綠化使用者與一般民眾對於都市中推廣垂直綠化認知沒有一致。 二、本研究發現民眾高達82.8%願意參與推廣垂直綠化,並對於有75.2%的人願意以自家推廣垂直綠化,以及67.9%的人願意主動照顧植物成長。 三、民眾偏好綠覆率狀態,「模組式綠化」偏好綠覆率50%狀態、「攀爬式綠化」偏好綠覆率50%狀態及「垂牆式綠化」偏好綠覆率25%狀態。


In recent years, due to the effect of urbanization, the space is over developed and greening space is getting less and less. People live in city jungle because of economic development. People leave harmony nature and become impatient and depressed in cramped and closed environment. Lots and lots of CO2 exhausted results into heat island effect and abnormal climate, furthermore it affect quality of life significantly. It spurs us to pay more attention to sustainability and promote green wall technologies. Let human far away from noise and close to nature may be an extravagant hope. Among every way of energy conservation and emission reduction, green wall is able to increase greening space efficiently. In addition, it assists in cooling down, improving climate and the quality of air, and decreasing consumption of resource. Urban enhancement can be completed as well. Many cities abroad have driven the policy of green wall, and vertical greening becomes the main stream of the way to upgrade the environment. This research is to explore the issue of vertical greening used on modern building. The existing problem of vertical greening in our country would be discussed through survey and interview with 8 specialists. Concerning the effect on people raised by vertical greening, the preference would be analyzed by questionnaire and computer modelling initially. Secondly, the knowledge, attitude and satisfaction of 623 citizens to vertical greening would be analyzed by SPSS. The below would be the results: 1.According to the questionnaire, 85.4% of interviewees agree with the promotion of vertical greening in the city. However, we can find there is no cognition consistency between the user and the public from variable of personal attribute. 2.This research tells that 82.8% of interviewees are willing to take part in promoting vertical greening. Additionally, 75.2% of interviewees are willing to develop by their house. Moreover, 67.9% of interviewees wish to take care of the plants. 3.Regarding the preference to green cover ratio, people prefer Modular-Type vertical greening with 50% coverage, Climbing-Type vertical greening with 50% coverage and Hanging wall-Type vertical greening with 25% coverage.


[3]王小璘,1999,“都市公園綠量視覺評估之研究”,《設計學報》,第4 卷,第1 期,pp.61-90。
