  • 學位論文


The Study of Managing Environment Misery Index for Construction Industry

指導教授 : 王隆昌


營造業是國家經濟發展重要的一環,不僅與國計民生密切相關,同時也擔負著國家公共工程興建之重責,是國家最重要的基礎產業之一。然而長久以來,國內營造業的經營環境一直不好,營造業又肩負傳統產業火車頭的重擔,因此如何改善營造產業經營環境實為刻不容緩的議題。有鑑於此,本研究的目的是從業者的立場及觀點,來探討營造業在經營環境上所遭遇的問題,找出具體癥結所在,以提供主管機關擬定或執行政策時的參考依據,並希望透過痛苦指數的調查,使業者或主管機關能即時掌握營造業經營環境現況,以及異常的狀況,可作出立即的因應。 本研究利用問卷調查方式針對營造業發行200份問卷,其回收121份,而有效問卷111份,無效問卷10份,針對回收的問卷進行項目分析與因素分析等統計方式進行資料分析,建構出營造業經營環境痛苦指數量表,研究架構包括了「產業政策面」、「管理制度面」及「市場環境面」等三個構面,共計二十個題項。透過實例應用調查結果顯示,營造業經營環境痛苦指數評分為79分,痛苦等級屬第二級,痛苦程度是「痛苦」,而在各分項指數中,「低價決標制度造成同業惡性競爭」為當前營造業最痛苦的因子,需要立即被改善與重視。


Construction industry managed misery index is the most important topic in construction Industry today. There are many scles to measure the degree of misery index. But no one had used for construction Industry . To resolve this issues, the study uses item analysis and factor analysis to reconstruct a new construction industry managed misery index scale with 3 subscales and 20 items. The questionnaires issued 200 and received 121 copies. There are 111 effective and 10 ineffective copies. Finally the study uses item analysis to confirm the new scale.The findings indicate that the 3 subscales and 20 items Construction industry managed misery index scale is a reasonable and an accurate measurement model. The scale includes “Industry Policies”, “management system” and “Business Environment” .The study wishes that the reconstruction of Construction industry managed misery index Scale can be a useful tool in Taiwan.


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